Chapter Sixteen (Part Two)--Not alone.

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Woo! This has to have been the hardest chapter to write to date. (So many moving parts!) I hope you like it. :)

Otis' mirthless laugh echoed through the dungeon, then faded when his lips curled into a crooked smile

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Otis' mirthless laugh echoed through the dungeon, then faded when his lips curled into a crooked smile. "Wren, it's about time I welcomed you home."

He swung an open palm at my arm.

I tucked my elbow into my body and avoided his grasp. Welcome, my ass. I leaned all my weight onto my front foot, lifted my back leg and rotated my body until my shin slammed into his injured leg. He clenched his teeth and stumbled backward out of the center of the room.

Nice! Whatever you do, don't let him get a full connection to the circle. You need to hold your ground.

I stepped into the middle of the room. A silent energy pulsed through my core and made my hands itch.

Otis gritted his teeth and clenched his thigh. He slowly let out the breath he was holding, then pushed off his leg and straightened up.

"Time to make good on my promise, Jaxon." He drew his brows together and glared at me, then like a light switch turning on, his body ignited in flame.

I rubbed my hands on the sides of my pants. Uh, Jax?

Crap. That's not good.

Robin skidded into the archway behind Otis and stopped short of entering when saw him. A second later, Rygar slid into view holding a broom, but without the distance to stop, he smacked into Robin.

"What are you doing? Don't stop. They're right behind us!"

Robin shoved him off and directed Rygar's attention to the glowing abomination staring me down.

"Oh, shit."

"Funny, that's exactly what I was thinking," Robin responded.

I tried to swallow the baseball-sized lump in my throat. Thanks, Jax, I kind of already gathered the not good part. What'd he promise you?

He said, if he found you first, Jax paused and licked his lips, you might not be as pretty the next time I saw you.

Freaking great.

The room felt like an oven with the intense heat pouring off Otis. In between his fiery flicker, a single stone flashed around his neck.

Okay, he can't burn you if you can match the intensity of the flame he's wrapping around him.

If I what? I watched the Otis take another step closer. You don't think I should...

Yeah, I do. It's a defensive technique.

Jax rubbed his hands and flicked his wrists. When he extended his fingers under mine, flames tore through my core and covered my entire body with one exception—Kellan's ring. It glowed a bright aqua and pushed back any of the flames that threatened to cover it.

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