Chapter Sixteen--Ready to Fight

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Hello Traveler fans! Hope you're ready for a battle because here it comes. :)


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With my feet swaying, I dangled just above the ground in Jeremiah's grip. His fingers tightened. I tucked my chin and clawed at his hand trying to loosen his grasp just enough to get another gulp of air.

No luck.

Come on! I know you can beat him.

He's too big for me to fight physically, I said trying to swing my feet to kick him.

So yank his ass off this dimension.

I closed my eyes and let the tingling coldness of the astral plane filter through me. When the warmth of the world around us disappeared, Jeremiah's grip loosened, and I gasped for air.

He jerked his head around to get his bearings. I dug my nails into his arm until I could smell metallic scent of his blood. He growled, cocked his arm and tossed me backward.

 He growled, cocked his arm and tossed me backward

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I slammed into the ground with a thud. I grinned, rolled over, and pushed myself to my feet. Jeremiah was no longer on the astral plane but lying in a heap on the floor in front of Robin.

Yeah! That's my girl.

I rubbed my neck trying to get the blood circulating again. Far from down for the count, Jeremiah was already on his feet.

"Okay, buddy—round two," I muttered.

The warmth of the physical plane burned in my palms like they had been asleep for too long and the blood was starting to filter back into them.

Rygar cracked his knuckles and took a step forward like he was ready for some payback.

"Mind if I take a turn?" Robin asked Rygar. "Jeremiah and I, have a score to settle."

Jeremiah wiped his bleeding arm across the front of his shirt like he was marking himself for battle.

"Ah, it's plant boy! You're not still sore about me taking your sister into custody, are you?" He grinned like there was more to his statement than he cared to reveal.

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