Fifteen (Part Two)--When You Need Me Most

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HELLO! Woo... the last couple weeks have been busy ones. I had the Dream Weaver start as a featured novel and Crossing the Line take a spotlight with the #NBR. I love hearing all the comments everyone has posted, but it has taken some time away from my craft. It seems life is now back to normal (whatever that means). LOL. So I'm happy to have another post for you!

 So I'm happy to have another post for you!

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My muscles tensed and I wet my lips. I don't know why I didn't want them to know about Jax chattering away inside my head, but I guess it was obvious he had been. With both him and Kellan battling out for airtime, I felt like my private thoughts were more like a radio broadcast of my feeling exposing me to their judgment. After we rescued my mom, next at the top of my priority list had to be sorting out the rings plastered over me. Engaged to two guys? Never in a million years would I have thought I'd find myself in this situation. Geez, even my own thoughts were making me sound like a horrible person.

Nebula doesn't miss a beat—does she? Jax curled his fingers over the flame in his palm and squashed it into a tendril of smoke.


With a calmness in her step, Nebula walked a few paces closer. Her unwavering gaze and set jaw made it obvious she knew what she was talking about.

"So Jaxon, you've decided to help," she said.

Seems so.

But before I had a chance to relay Jaxon's words, Nebula continued.

"Otis is your father. How are we supposed to believe you're honestly going to help? This is your home." She held her hands out to room around us. "Have you even thought about what he will do to you when he finds out?"

Just because she wouldn't help me get back to Acklemar, doesn't mean I won't help you guys. He took a deep breath in and let it out. And if anyone knows what my father's wrath looks like—it's me. I'll handle it when the time comes.

My mind flew back to the image of the guard being dragged from the Fire Circle throne room.

You know you don't have to help us.

Jax let out a short laugh. Sweetness, if I ever want to see you again, I don't have much choice, do I? Even though I couldn't see him, I knew he was standing shaking out his hands. Let's face it, I know the Keep better than anyone else alive. Even if you don't want to admit it, you need me, and I'm not about to leave you when you need me most.

I swallowed and rubbed the sides of my pants with my hands. That had to be the sweetest thing he'd ever said to me. Even though he might be right, but I wasn't ready to tell him so.

"Jax says, he's in."

Robin now stood next to Nebula, openly staring at me. "Holy crap." He carved a hand through his hair and held onto it before releasing it. "I never thought I'd see the day Jaxon would go against his father. You love her, don't you?" he said like he was talking to Jaxon, not me.

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