Chapter Eighteen--That changes everything

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Here you go! A chapter to wet your appetite. Enjoy Traveler fans. :)

With a firm grip on the hem of my pant, I yanked the fabric down over my leg

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With a firm grip on the hem of my pant, I yanked the fabric down over my leg.

"Test a theory, my..." I muttered under my breath, pushed to my feet and dusted the dirt from my fingers. "More like a real estate claim."

I wanted to punch him. I glanced out over the valley, refusing to look at him. My hands shook, and the ground underfoot grew hot.

"Wren..." he said sounding concerned.

He should worry. The charms around my neck flashed and the stones on his leather lit up in a bright array of colors.

"Shit." He jumped to his feet and backed up holding out his hands. "Seriously, calm down, it's not what you think."

"I'm not a piece of land you can stake a claim over, Jaxon." My skin prickled and my throat went dry. "I'm a living, breathing person."

I took a step forward. My anger soared stroking the fire within me. "But lying to me so you could add your embellishment?"


His eyes glowed bright green. Without taking his gaze from me, he gingerly reached for my arm. His other hand held high to protect him from a potential attack.

"No. This is so not okay." I pushed away his grasp, but he still managed to grab hold of me. "I'm not a jewel you can wear in your crown." He spun me, so his muscular chest hugged my back.

Jumping to conclusions and assuming the worst in me again? His fingers siphoned the heat from my skin and left a smoky taste in my mouth. How about letting me explain and see where that leads us for a change?

He lifted his glowing palm from my arm and pointed to the scorch marks surrounding my feet. "Before you burn the Guild to the ground?"

I pulled from his grip, glared at him and pretended to curtsy. "If Your Majesty, cares to explain why he lied, I'm all ears."

Jax's eyes flashed. "I never lied to you."

"Just a theory, huh?" I said in the most sarcastic tone I could muster.

"There's no one else history of Acklemar who's had two rings on them. Since I couldn't be sure, it was a theory." He took a step closer. "Though, I did tell you I wasn't wrong."

"You knew, this would happen?" I stepped backward and yanked up my pant leg.

"No, I never said that." He licked his lips, blushed and looked at his feet. "I had no way of knowing that. A lucky accident, I guess."

"Uh-huh..." Funny, I didn't feel like I'd won the lottery. "Call me crazy, but most girls don't appreciate tattoos marring their bodies."

"Marring? Is that what you think?" He furrowed his brows and pursed his lips. "Any woman in Acklemar would kill for that mark."

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