Chapter Fourteen (Part Two)--Only One Option

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Hey! This one was kind of fun to describe. Hope you like this next piece! So much fun to write. :)


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Moonlight filtered between the tall stems of wavering flowers and wild grasses. When I stepped onto the garden path, the soft ground squished beneath my feet.

Proud slabs of sandstone shaded in shadows briefly lit in the flickering glow of torch light from the back entrance. It was as though the castles' unblinking darkened windows peered down at us through the unsuspecting scent of lavender that lulled us forward.

"Wait here," Robin whispered.

Rygar crossed his arms, tilted his head as if he was studying Robin, then gave him a curt nod.

Well hidden in the tall grass at the edge of the garden, we watched him navigate the lush flower beds and well-manicured shrubs. I lifted my gaze to the creeping ivy covering immense castle in front of us. Gilded statues glimmered in the dim light. The sweeping staircase from the second-floor balcony led to a large lawn. It looked like it was set-up for a game of some sort with the large circular stones that were laid out.

This was supposed to be my home—my life. I gave my head a shake. I'm not sure how that possibility ever came to happen.

"Wren..." Robin said softly drawing me from my thoughts.

How long had I been staring at the building? I never even realized he was back. I couldn't help wonder where the guards might be. There wasn't a single one in sight.

He shoved a wool wrap at me. "Put this on."

Robin passed a dirt covered army-green smock to Nebula. She unlatched her cloak, folded it into a neat pile, then held out a hand asking for mine. After our clothes were stashed in the grass, she looked to see how I was making out. When she saw the wrap draped over my shoulders, she giggled.

"Here." She adjusted the fabric, so it hung over my head. "This is how the ladies of the Fire Circle wear it. It also covers your hair so that no one will recognize you."

"I'd like it better if no one had that opportunity," I said.

Robin finished buttoning his jumper. "Me too. I'd like to especially avoid Otis."

"Second that," Rygar said over my shoulder.

"Why aren't there any guards?"

"On the grounds, the guards, man the entry points to the Keep. That's the station at the edge of the forest and the Keep's main gate." He gestured to their locations. "But we landed right between those points, so unless there's a shift change, we won't come across any. But that's a little different once we're inside, though."

Robin bent down, grabbed a handful of dirt from the flower bed and wiped it on the front of Rygar's jumper.

Rygar threw his hands in the air and backed up. "Seriously?"

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