Chapter Six-Pandora's box?

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It never occurred to me that I had other relatives on Acklemar

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It never occurred to me that I had other relatives on Acklemar. I stared at her hoping I might see a similarity between us or recognize her face. I tilted my head and tapped my fist against my lips in thought. It was something about her eyes that seemed familiar. They were aquamarine blue, like in my dream—the same color as my mothers. I gasped, and the water flowing around my hand splashed over the ground.

"Something tells me we're related?" I said, not wanting to give away more information than I needed to.

Her mouth fell open, and she touched her throat. "You don't remember, do you?" she said in a soothing tone. "Celeste said you wouldn't, so I don't know why I should be surprised."


She raised her eyebrows and took a deep breath. "Celeste is your mother and as you've already figured out, my sister. So, yes, I guess that means we're related."

"She's your aunt? I know you haven't seen each other in a while. But kidnapping us?" Sage dusted herself off. "That's a new way to get your relatives to come for a visit."

My sentiments exactly, Kellan chimed in. Oh, crap— The Water Circle Sentinel has Robin. I should probably rescue him, or I might have to answer to Sage later.

And me—

Fine. I'm going. I'll check in soon.

"You must be Sage." Astra's eyes flickered a vibrant hue. "A healer and you have skills too," she commented.

Sage gave her a questioning look. "You wouldn't happen to be related to Nebula?"

The corners of Astra's mouth turned up, and she rested her hands in the pockets of her cloak. "Remind you of her do I?"

"Don't get me wrong. I like Nebula." Sage lifted her bag to her shoulder. "It's just that she has the same creepy ability to see into someone's talents. Thought maybe it ran in the family."

"Bluntness suits you little one." Astra smiled and took a step forward. "But it's wise to keep your Calept tiles close if you are going to out maneuver your opponent."

"What?" Sage leaned over and whispered, "Definitely related to Nebula. I'd bet my charms on it. She's freaky cryptic."

I smirked and withheld a chuckled. Astra's chestnut hair was a stark contrast to Nebula's ebony locks. But their fair skin, blue eyes, and mannerisms made me think Sage might be right. "As much as I'd like to stand around and reminisce, I assume there's a reason for our impromptu visit?"

"Of course, I have my reasons, but it didn't hurt I got to see my niece again."

She unwrapped her cloak, revealing the same gray and black uniform as the other three kidnappers were wearing. She motioned for Sage and me to join her. "Come on. I won't bite."

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