Chapter Eight - Let's Play Darts

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Hi All! Thanks for your understanding in the delay of this chapter. The Dream Weaver has now been sent to the editing company I'm working with. So, my focus is back on The Dream Traveler! Expect another update on Friday. Hope you like this one. :)

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(Jaxon speaking)

Damn. I might be good, but there was no way I could take all of them on at once. I took a quick scan of the alley. A garbage bin with some wooden crates stacked in front of it and a metal fire escape. The fire escape's ladder was too high for me to reach the bottom rung to pull-down. That only left me one option. I started running down the alley right at them.

"Don't just stand there you idiots!" Mel yelled.

As I got closer, I drew a hot molten ball and threw it at the crates. Then I ran right into the flames and pushed off the ground and landed on the top of the metal bin. I launched myself at the bottom rung of the fire escape. The ladder slid to the ground, and I started to climb as fast as I could. The flames blazed around me. When I got to the platform, I began to pull the ladder up, but one of her thugs grabbed hold of it and dragged it back to the bottom. Shit.

Mel looked up at me then hollered to the guy on the ladder, "Go Demitri! I'm right behind you."

"Don't worry, he can't get far," he replied.

I dashed up the stairs and could see the fire had stopped most of her group, but there was still four of them who made it through the blast—they had to all be fire circle. There was no point throwing flames at them. It wouldn't hurt them. When I got to the top, I stepped onto the roof and wrapped my hand over the bolts that secured the escape to the roof.

"Hope you can fly, Mel," I said under my breath. Then I melted the bolt clean through and gave the metal bracket a kick loose. The railing groaned and pulled away from the wall into the alley.

A high pitch scream pierced the night. Followed by men yelling. When I looked over the edge, Demitri hung from a railing by his hands. Mel and one of her other goons weren't as lucky. They had hit the cobblestones below and weren't moving.

"Jaxon, you may think your safe up there," said the last of her fire thugs, "but you still have to get down!"

He had a point. I ran over to the door, wiped my hand over the metal the frame and welded it to the door. Well, at least no one's coming through that way.

Then I jogged around the top of the roof and surveyed my options of getting down. The front of the building lined the street. The two sides had wider alleyways than I could jump.

Bang! Thump, thump! They pounded on the door. "Get Rylan. He can burn through this thing," someone said on the other side. Rylan had to be the fire talent that didn't make it up the ladder.

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