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Your POV:

We got down the few stairs of my house to be greeted by a large black limo. Against it was standing a black suited man that I assumed was the driver. He put his hand on the handle, but Tony cut him off.

"No, no. Let me." He opened the door and said. "After you, my beautiful lady. Or should I say, my beautiful future-girlfriend." He smirked.

"Take it easy, Speedy. We're only on the first date." I giggled.

On the road, we talked about Tony's new invention, he called it Mark XLVII. We also talked about how I got my job as a librarian.

"But how do you afford everything?" Tony asked, in disbelief.

"I know how to save money." I smiled.

Of course, I won't tell him that I couldn't buy me anything for the past two years. And that I wasn't eating properly so that Calvin had food to eat. I won't because he would pity me. And I hate pity. I know I didn't ask for this life, but I can take it. I like to think that I'm strong. Which I'm not.

"We're here, sir." The driver said from the front seat.

"Well then, let's get out." Tony smiled.

He opened the door and held his hand for me which I gladly took. As I was out of the car, in front of me was a big shiny sign that read ELEGANT. I looked at the front door and there was some couples, that dressed really elegant may I add, entering the double doors.

"Shall we go?" Tony whispered in my ear.

"Oh yeah, sorry."

We entered the elegant restaurant, and, oh boy was it fancy. Everything was black and red. The walls, the doors, the tables, the chairs even the napkins. Thank god, I'm wearing black. I thought.

"Reservation for Stark, please." Tony brought me to reality.

"Welcome Mr and Mrs Stark, please follow me." The clueless waiter said.

"No, we're actually-" i started.

"Just play along, sweetie." Tony whispered again.

I sighed and followed the waiter, more like was dragged by Tony. We passed a hallway and entered a huge room filled with tables, and of course people. But what shocked me was that the waiter didn't stop at any of the empty tables that were in that room. He continued straight through another hallway and stopped at a white door.

"Here is your room, sir." The waiter opened the door.

I took a peek and saw a lot of lit candles on a red table with two black chairs and the floor was buried in red petals. I was pretty sure that my jaw made a dent on the floor.

"(Y/n), come on." Tony took my hand as he entered the bright lit room, with the waiter following close behind us.

Tony held my chair for me then half ran to sit on his. I was too overwhelmed by all that. I couldn't say anything which made Tony order for me. The waiter patiently waited for our orders then took the menus and got out of the room closing the door behind him.

I looked around the room, when I noticed there was a soft music playing at the background. I continued looking at the room, when suddenly my eyes met Tony's and I noticed he has been staring at me the whole time.

"Tony, you're staring. Again." I smirked.

"I'm not staring. I'm gazing." He smiled, still staring.

"It's creepy." I giggled.

"Shut up. It's romantic." He chuckled.

"Stop it." I was now laughing at his goofiness.

Just then our food came in, and we were enveloped by a new conversation while eating.

---------------------Time skip-----------------------

I don't know how but one thing got to the other and we were challenging each other in a pick up lines competition.

"I bet I can win. And if I do, you have to kiss me by the end of this date. Deal?" Tony challenged.

"Deal. Because I know for sure that I can do better than you. And if I win, you owe me a favor that you have to do no matter what." I challenged back.

"Deal. Now, ladies first." He gestured to me.

"I would be the hottest person in this room if you weren't here." I smirked.

"Not bad, but listen to this. Do you have a sunburn or do you always look this hot?" He grinned.

"Coming in hot, huh? Okay. Check this out. If you were a Transformer, you'd be Optimus Fine." He chuckled at this.

"Nice. Now my turn. Are you from Google? Cause you have everything I'm searching for." He then bows and I laughed.

"Okay. Okay. Last line. Do you know what are my favorite letters in the alphabet? U R A Q T." I started giggling like crazy because of how cheesy that sounded.

"I'm just gonna let you win in this one. Cause you're cute when you laugh." He smiled.

"No. You're just saying that because you don't have any pick-up lines left." I pouted.

"And you're adorable when you pout." He put his hand under his chin to support his head.

"Okay, this is just hawkward." I sighed.

"What? What did you say? Hawkward?" He asked.

"Yeah, Calvin says it all the time. It just stuck." I rolled my eyes at my brother.

"I'm gonna use that on Legolas." He smiles evily.

"Who's Lego-? NO. Don't you use that on Clint, Tony. He's my favorite on the team."

"I thought I was your favorite." He pouted dropping his hands on the table, almost knocking the food off of it.

"I'm still figuring your place in my heart, Tony." I winked trying to get away with it.

"Oh, no. You are not getting away by being all cute and flirty and-" he stopped as I was flashing him my best puppy dog eyes.

"Alright." He sighed.

I giggled and took a sip of my water. I didn't want to drink because alcohol wasn't my thing. Plus, what would Calvin think if I came back home drunk. Oh my god, Calvin. I totally forgot about him.

"Tony, what time is it?" I asked.

"It's... 1:26 am. Why are you in a hurry?" He said eating his last bite.

"Aren't you? You are a businessman and a superhero. If you aren't then I am. I have work tomorrow, besides I have to take care of Calvin." I panicked.

"Relax, tomorrow is Saturday, (F/n) is with Calvin. Everything is alright." He said taking my hand in his.

I immediately relaxed into his touch, it was so soft and so comforting. I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing. It was something my dad taught me when I was a kid. It's really hard when you have anger issues and anxiety.

"I don't mean to be rude but, shouldn't we be heading home now?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, sure." He smiled getting up.

-Kiana 🙊

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