Parks and darts

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Third Person's POV:

"I didn't want to do anything without you knowing." Steve exclaimed.

"Didn't she say not to look for her? And now she's asking us to meet her." Tony said, confused.

"No, not us. She wants to meet Steve. Just Steve." (Y/n) sighed.

"That's the thing. I want you to come with me, (Y/n)." Steve demanded.

"I'm not going anywhere. She clearly doesn't want to talk to me. Just go make sure she's okay, alright Steve?" (Y/n) argued.

Steve was taken back at first, he wasn't expecting her to refuse. He thought she would be happy to see her bestfriend again. But apparently, she was too heartbroken to face her.

However, Steve was not going to give up that easily. He was determined to fix his friends' relationship. And that he would do. That's why he planted himself, stood up more and frowned.

"No. If you're not going, I'm not either. I'm not meeting her without you, (Y/n). So this situation can play out two ways. One, you accepting my offer, us meeting (F/n), and hearing her out. Two, you still being stubborn as always, me going back to sleep, and (F/n) never being understood. So which one is this situation?" Steve suggested, his voice challenging as ever.

"Don't push her to do this, Rogers." Tony stood up also, defending his girlfriend. "If she's not ready, she's not ready."

"Let her say it then. I wanna hear it from her. So, (Y/n), what do you say? Are you gonna miss this chance? A chance to-" Steve was interrupted.

"Shut the hell up, Steve. I'm thinking." (Y/n) cut him off, kind of growling.

Both men were thrown off by her sudden outrage, she appeared so calm. Yet, she had a battle going inside her head. Of course, her poker face wasn't of much help, but they were sure she was giving in to Steve's idea.

"Okay." She suddenly stood up, now being between the two superheroes, "let me get my jacket then you cn lead the way." She said as she made her way to her shared bedroom.

"You coming, Stark?" The captain asked.

"I don't think so. I want you guys to have your moment with her. I'll be waiting here. But, I'm warning you, Capsicle. If anything happened to her, I will personally put you back in the iceblock you crawled out of. Got it?" Tony threatened.

"Wow, I just asked a simple and considering question and I'm feeling so attacked right now." Steve chuckled, "don't worry, I won't let her out of my sight."

"Good, because she's like a five year old, never in one place." Tony joked.

"That strangely reminds me of someone. I wonder who?" Steve said, amused.

"Haha, very funny."


(Y/n) entered the bedroom, eyes roaming trying to find some kind of jacket. She finally spotted one of Tony's sweatshirts and decided to put it on, on top of her plain tank top.

"If I say don't go, would you listen to me?" A voice behind her asked.

After turning around, she found Aylo floating in the doorway. She let out a dramatic sigh.

"May I ask why?" She refused to reply.

Aylo approached her until he was right in front of her. "I have a bad feeling about this."

"Aylo, Steve is coming with me. Captain freaking America is going with me, so why would I be in danger?" (Y/n) said, pushing past the black ghost.

"That's exactly why you're in danger. There are people after him, and you are being in the way, so that puts you in harm's way." Aylo explained.

"Well, then. Since you know everything, why don't you tag along. Because I'm not backing away and neither is he." The girl rolled her eyes.

"Honey, that is not a concern because we share a heart. That means wherever you go I'm with you. Just think of me, and poof! I am summoned." The reaper attempted a joke.

"Wonderful." She chirped, sarcastically. "Now, can we go?" She exclaimed as she arrived to the living room, where Steve and Tony were.

"Yes, we can." Steve replied.

"Babe, you're coming?" She asked the billionaire.

"I'm not, sweetheart. I prefer sitting here, than being so mushy and sensitive with you guys. But, I'll be waiting for you. So don't you dare be late." Tony warned.

(Y/n) walked to Tony, whispering a low, "I wouldn't dream of it.", then gave him a quick kiss before dashing after Steve who was already in the elevator waiting for her.

The car ride was painfully slow for them, especially (Y/n) who kept saying, "I can just transport myself there." With Steve, always replying with a grin, "that's why I'm not saying where exactly."

Finally at the park, they got out and Steve was leading the way to the location. They were at the heart of the park when Steve pointed to a big tree with various wide branches, that were like they were trying to intimidate the other small trees.

"There." He stated.

Suddenly, (Y/n) came to a halt. She was kind of regreting coming with the blond man. Her bestfriend wanted to see him and only him. So why did she come?

Steve sensed her freeze in her place and turned around to see the doubt in her eyes. He let out an audible sigh, and walked to where she dug her feet deep into the ground.

"Come on. Don't back down now. It's right there." Steve, now standing in front of (Y/n), encouraged.

"Just go, Steve. I'll be right here." (Y/n) said.

"Get your sh-" Steve was cut off when something poked the back of his neck. He reached out and snatched the dart from his neck.

"Steve, w-what is that?" The girl asked.

The captain felt his eyelids drop, his limbs went jelly, ans he fell on the ground on his back.

"R-run, (Y/n). G-et out of h-here." He slurred.

"What? No, I'm not leaving you." She argued, crouching to support his head.

"Be-hind y-ou..." before he completed his sentence, he passed out.

"Of course, you're not. The party just got started." A voice boomed from behind her.


So sorry guys. I know I was inactive, but I have very convincing excuses, (not really). But now, I'm free from prison or what the rest of the world call it, school. I'm gonna do my best to get back on track with this book.

And I feel like my readers are leaving, why? Did it get boring? Is it too long?

Please, vote and comment what you think, it is for you after all.

See you when I see you,


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