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Third Person's POV :

The light in her eyes just disappeared. She was right there in front of them. Alive and breathing. When she stopped screaming, hope bubbled inside them. They thought she had fought the demon inside of her and won. But they were wrong.

Boy, they were so wrong.

If only they knew, that for the demon to disappear, so had (Y/n). It was a deal that she had to accept for her friends and family to be safe.

When the demon told her it will teleport her into another realm. She didn't expect it to be blank darkness. She expected to find at least a person who could help. But here, there was no one. No one but herself and her thoughts.

Hello, silly girl. A voice rang through nothingness.

"Who's speaking?" (Y/n) asked.

It's your conscience, we don't talk a lot these days. The voice snickered.

"No, really. Who's there?" (Y/n) said frustrated.

I'm the thing that you called demon, child. The voice replied.

"So it was you who brought me here." (Y/n) concluded.

It was a deal, and you agreed to it. If I shall not have that body then no one will. The calm voice said.

"So, what am I supposed to do here?" (Y/n) requested.

I don't know. Nothing, I guess. I mean it is the realm of nothing-ness. The voice chuckled.

"Original, real original." (Y/n) rolled her eyes. She sat on the ground, legs crossed and stared ahead.

Stop staring like that. The voice growled.

"What? You told me to do nothing. Here I am, doing nothing. It's not like I'm staring into your eyes. Am I? If you even have eyes?"

Just don't stare, (Y/n). The voice snapped.

"I don't even know your name. Are you a guy or a girl? I mean I'm sorry I have to ask, but your voice doesn't give me a clue." (Y/n) demanded.

I am Aylo. And yes, I am a male. Now be quiet and let me be. The voice, Aylo, said.

"Why? Do you have arrangements for the day?" (Y/n) joked.

It is not your business. Why do you care? Aylo spoke again.

"Well, maybe you're planning on leaving me here alone. And you'll go to my body and steal it." (Y/n) accused Aylo.

I am a man of my words. The invisible man assured.

"How can I know? I can't even see you." (Y/n) was now standing up to appear intimidating, even though the darkness was obviously bigger than her.

Do you wish to see me? Aylo asked.

"Duh. I'm looking like a crazy person talking to myself here. I would appreciate it if you come out from the darkness."

Okay then. I will let you see me. Aylo said.

With that being said, (Y/n) started to turn around her, searching for Aylo. It was until something white caught her eye that she stopped. When she turned towards it, she found a beautiful pure white wolf walking towards her. When the wolf reached her, it sat down. So (Y/n) did the same. She had a strong urge to pet him but resisted.

"Wow, is this what you always look like?" (Y/n) breathed.

To be honest with you, no. My appearance is much more terrifying than this. What appeared to be Aylo said.

"Much more terrifying?" She repeated, "do you call this terrifying?" She snickered.

Are you not afraid of me? Aylo observed.

"Pff, what? You're a freaking talking wolf. Which so happens to be my favorite animal. So why in the hell would I be scared of you?" (Y/n) scoffed, not at all trying to hold her excitement back.

Many people are intimidated by my true appearance. Aylo explained.

"Which I remind you, I still haven't seen. Even so, I am a hard one to intimidate." (Y/n) gave him a toothless grin.

I'm sure you are. Aylo tried to smile.

A moment passed in silence, and when she knew he wouldn't speak again, she did.

"So, tell me about yourself." (Y/n) offered.

What? He seemed shocked.

"If we're going to keep each other company here, I need to know more about my new friend." (Y/n) explained.

Why would you want to know me? I tried to take over your body. Not to mention tried to kill your boyfriend. Aylo reasoned.

"Call me stupid, crazy, retarded even. But I just know that it wasn't the real you." (Y/n) smiled.

The wolf strangely raised an eyebrow, And how do you know, if I may ask?

"Like I said, I just know." The girl shrugged, "and don't try to convince me otherwise because I am a stubborn potato as I've been told." She paused, she looked deep in thought, she let out a sigh then chuckled, "multiple times actually. Most of it from the same person." She smiled sadly.

By who? The white ball of fur asked curiously. Tilting his head, he waited.

She laughed, had that exact same face expression on, then said. "It's Natasha most of the time."

Were you close to Natasha? Aylo asked.

"From the very beginning. We just clicked. I've been in the tower for almost a month now, and she is, without another thought, my best avenger friend. Of course, because I already have a bestfriend, (F/n), she is the weirdest and funniest person I've met in my life. However, that was until I got to know the Avengers. They're all wonderful and nice, but there is that crazy part of them. And don't get me started on Clint, he's so tired all the time and sarcastic as f-" she paused.

Aylo was still watching her, when she got up from her seat on the floor. Tilting his head, he exclaimed, what's wrong?

"Why did this conversation turn about me now?" She fisted her hands against her hips as he chuckled.

It's not my fault. He shrugged.

"Okay, turning back to you." She announced, sitting back on the floor.

There is nothing to talk about. I never had family or friends, that's why I don't miss anyone. He tried to respond with a smile, but failed miserably.

"I can be your friend. But yeah, I guess the feeling of missing family and friends is excruciating." She said excitingly but it faded into sadness at the end.

I'm sorry I took away your happiness but I also need a body. He stated. I can't do that. He whispered.

"But why me?" She asked.

I don't know. Life is unfair. He simply shrugged.

"You're being mean, Aylo. I don't like mean people." She glared.

Get used to it. He glared back.

"Get lost, fur ball." She shouted while turning her back to him.

There was a silence between them for a couple of seconds, before Aylo spoke up.

You said you won't be afraid of how I really look like. Let's test that, shall we, friend? He said in a strangely calm voice.

(Y/n) didn't move when she heard a growl behind her. She did her best to keep a calm state. The air around them suddenly became cold. When a loud second growl came from behind her, she took it as her cue to turn around.

What she saw was not what she was expecting from the beginning?


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