A marathon

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Third person's POV:

"So let me get this straight, you befriended and cooperated with the thing that took control of your body." Natasha raised an eyebrow.

"If I may, Miss Romanoff. My name is Aylo. And I already apologised to (Y/n) for that." The dark figure announced.

"Yeah well, I don't know about that. Wait a minute, why is she a miss and I'm not?" (Y/n) exclaimed from where she laid next to Tony.

"Quit whining. And honestly you don't look like a miss at all.".

"You look here Mr Dementor, I wasn't the one wh-" (Y/n) started.

"Okay, I sadly have work to do. So, I have to miss this very interesting conversation." Clint declared, "Blue, I'm glad you're okay. Get well soon. Goodbye, everybody." He continued, waving as he left the room.

(Y/n) huffed, "Does everyone in this Tower have a silly nickname for me?"

Then she saw them suddenly look away. Natasha and Bucky looked at each other, big grins on their faces. Steve found his shoes ridiculously funny. Thor let out a soft chuckle. Calvin turned to face them, giving them the knowing look. Bruce smiled to himself, while Pietro made a quick exit and Wanda ducked her head, following her brother with giggles escaping her.

"You all know that I can read minds, right?" (Y/n) glared at them.

"Oh, we know." Natasha smirked.

"That's what we're counting on." Bucky added.

(Y/n) scoffed then got her head off Tony's shoulder. She laid it on the comfortable pillow, pulling the covers over her body.

"Well, joke's on you cause I have funnier nicknames for you. You can all go now." She exclaimed.

They quickly exited the room, laughing uncontrollably. Calvin and Tony were the ones left in the room.

"Sis, if you're hungry, Wanda and I made pizza. It's in the fridge." He announced, leaving afterwards.

As Calvin disappeared from their view, (Y/n) lifted her head to check if everyone left. As soon as she opened an eye, all she saw was Tony's face.

"Why didn't you leave?" She asked.

"I will never leave you again." Tony declared staring at her, not batting a single eyelid.

"Okay, that was just creepy."

"That's the point." Tony chuckled. "Seriously though, just go to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up." He added kissing her forehead.

(Y/n) smiled at him then snuggled at his side. It was good to be back among family and loved ones. It felt like- like- home. It was home. Even after all the problems that they face, they can't help but return to each other's arms again. First, it was Hydra. Then, it was Aylo. But he proved that he just wanted to be normal. To have a good and calm life.

Oh, Aylo. If only he knew that the Avengers were not even near normal.

"Wait a minute!" (Y/n)'s eyes shot open. "Where's Aylo?"

"Wh-Who's Aylo again?" Tony asked.

"Aylo! The creepy dementor that got me here! The Grim reaper who now has half of my freaking heart! That Aylo!" She freaked out, looking around the room for him.

But he was nowhere to be found. He must of have left with everyone else.

"Umm, I recall you kicked everyone out. He may have gone with them." Tony replied.

(Y/n) had the most horrified face in the universe. Aylo, alone, with the Avengers.

"Don't worry, babe. He'll be fine." Tony assured her.

"Please, define fine. If it means surrounded by a group of strangers, and not any strangers, very intimidating and strong freaking superheros, then sure he'll be fine." She went on.

"Honey, calm down. They-" he stopped talking when a black cloud of smoke-like substance began to construct itself at the edge of the bed.

When the smoke cleared, a black cat dropped on the bed and hurriedly ran to take shelter on (Y/n)'s lap.

"What the-" Tony started.

"Please, don't leave me alone with those people again. Honestly, they are so weird." The black cat begged.

"Aylo?" (Y/n) called.

"Yes, it's me. Aylo. The poor creature that you left with a group of maniacs." The cat lifted his head to reveal blood red eyed.

Yep, definitely Aylo.

"Sorry, I was tired and I forgot about you." (Y/n) apologised while petting him.

"You forgot about the other half of your heart!" Tony murmured.

"Not helping." She hissed. Tony chuckled and bit his lip to prevent any more words from coming out of his mouth.

(Y/n) kept petting Aylo, which secretly pleased her, trying to calm him down. After a couple of seconds, the cat began purring and they all knew that he was relaxed.

"Sweetheart, you need to rest. Let me take the cat so you can.." Tony didn't get a chance to finish his sentence as Aylo brought out his claws, looking menacingly at him. "Or, I can just show myself the door instead."

"Babe, hang on. I'm coming with you, I am hungry as a wild coyote." (Y/n) tried to get up but she just failed miserably.

"Wait, let me help." Aylo changed his appearance to the usual creepy reaper. He literally entered her body and (y/n) felt suddenly energised and refreshed.

"Okay, no. Ew, get out of her. Shoo shoo." Tony tried to shoo him.

"No, Tony. I'm fine. Even though it's weird, I feel like I can run a marathon."

A sudden cloud envelopped her and she felt her skin tingling. Tony called her name to see if she was okay, she giggled an I'm fine and he felt relieved. It only lasted a few other seconds, and when it cleared, they were surprised.

(Y/n)'s entire outfit has changed into a sporty one. She had on a sport bra, over it a loose tank top, some leggings and running shoes.

Now we can go run your marathon. She heard Aylo's voice.

"Were you serious about running that marathon, (Y/n)? You literally just woke up from a coma." Tony argued.

(Y/n) grinned, "This is so cool. I can't wait to show this to Calvin." Ignoring Tony's protests, she walked to the kitchen, with her boyfriend hot on her heels, or running shoes.

"Good to see you again, Mrs Boss." Friday exclaimed through the walls of the hallway.

"Friday, I missed you too." The girl replied.

"Boss, Director Fury is waiting for you and Mrs Boss in the living room with the rest of the team." The A.I informed.

"Fury? As in Nick Fury? Director of S.H.I.E.L.D?" (Y/n) turned to Tony to ask him.

"Yep, and you're about to meet him right now. Let's go." Tony smiled as he took her hand in his.


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