Weird days

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Third Person's POV:

Standing up from her spot on the grass, (Y/n) decided to keep walking for a few minutes before she returned to the tower. As she took a couple of steps, she heard something in the bushes. She brushed it off as a lost cat or dog.

"Shoo!" She scolded at the poor hidden creature.

Then she heard laughing from the other side of the bushes. That's when she started to get a little creeped out. There was someone spying on her.

Hold on, she thought, I know that voice.

Her assumptions were confirmed when, from the bushes appeared the person she spent nights and nights on the phone with, shared secrets with, they laughed together and even cried together.

"(F/n)? What are you doing here? It's midnight!" The billionaire's girlfriend exclaimed.

"I can ask you the same thing." (F/n) replied, nodding her way.

(Y/n) huffed, then took a deep breath, and started to explain the events that happened since she last saw her bestfriend. It was a lot, so they sat on the grass, again, while (F/n) listened intensely.

(Y/n) told her bestfriend everything. The mini coma, Aylo, who refused to show his true form in front of (F/n) and stayed in his puppy form which was adorably distracting, the new powers, plus the newly new power of teleportation.

"Wow! Things really changed, huh?" The girl breathed.

"Yeh, definitely. I really miss my simple old life, you know, when all I had to worry about was bringing enough money and food home." (Y/n) said.

"So you regret ever meeting Tony!" (F/n) said bluntly.

"What? No, I didn't say that." (Y/n) furrowed her eyebrows.

"Sounded like it." (F/n) shrugged.

"(F/n), what's wrong?" The half-hearted girl asked.

"Do you mean why I'm super honest today?" (F/n) asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, why are you a super jerk today? Did something happen? Is it Steve?" her tone softened at the end of the sentence, worried for her bestfriend.

The other girl was silent for a second before letting out a sigh. (Y/n) never saw her friend this stressed, usually she was the one stressing over everything and anything. So, she did the only thing that her friend often did to her. She put a hand on her bestfriend's shoulder and murmured.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?"

(F/n) suprisingly breathed out a mocking laugh, shaking her head. She got up and began walking without glancing at her friend once. Then she turned her head just a little, and said loud enough for her to hear.

"I wish I could."

~time skip brought to you by Ultron dressing up as pinocchio~

Tony lied down on the deep red couch while everyone else ate their dinner. His train of thoughts was going full speed. So many unanswered questions were rooming his mind. He was really worried about his girlfriend, and her health mentally and physically. Mentally, because she just found out that her parents were secret agents, plus her little brother knew it and didn't tell her. So there must be a lot going on in her mind at the moment. Physically, well, the girl has a half of a heart left, so he can't imagine nor understand how she does it to get through the day. Especially this one.

He didn't realise everyone was out from the living room, until the clock struck twelve. FRIDAY told him it wasn't good for his health to stay up yet another night, but he didn't care. He wanted to wait for (Y/n), to see her safe and sound inside the tower, in his arms. He wanted to tell her that even if the things were the way they were, he was there and they would go through it together. Like she always did for him.

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