How delighful

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Your POV:

Despite the fact that I lived in New York, the city that never sleeps, it was quite calm and quiet in my neighborhood. After my parents passed away in the New York mini war against the aliens, which totally was my fault that they died, they left me and my little brother the house. We lived alone ,with my aunt rarely visiting us twice a month.

As I neared my warm house, I noticed the lights were all out, only a dim light was seen in the living room. I bet little bro is watching a horror movie while I'm not home. Based on the fact that he often stays home alone, I prevented Calvin to watch scary movies but obviously he doesn't listen.

I sneaked from the back door that lead to the kitchen. I closed the door with a thud on purpose and quickly hid. Of course Calvin heard the door, and yelled my name, waiting for me to inform him that it was just me. But sweet little (y/n) didn't answer him.

So he called me again and again, coming closer to the kitchen. I muffled my giggles with my hands trying not to blow my cover. He finally backed away from the kitchen running to the living room. After a few moments of hearing whimpers and sniffs, I began to question where he went, until he spoke again.

"You better go now or I'm going to call the cops!" He yelled at the supposed stranger.

I couldn't take it anymore and collapsed laughing on the kitchen floor. When he heard my laughs, he was pissed as hell.

"(Y/n)! It was you all along!" He pouted like a 7 year old.

"I'm s-sorry, I-I couldn't r-resist!" I said between giggles.

"I'm going to tell mo-" he stopped mid-sens realizing what he was going to say.

At that my giggles stopped and my heart broke, even after 3 years he still forgets that our parents died. His eyes widened as he saw mine watering.

"I'm sorry!" I apologised and walked towards the stairs.

"No, no, (y/n). Please don't be sad. I'm the one who's sorry. I shouldn't have watched the stupid movie all along." His hands clenching my right sleeve for dear life.

I half smiled and asked him: " Did you eat dinner?"

He just shook his head, and I knew what I was suppose to do. I went over to the fridge and picked the ingredients for the spaghetti that I'm preparing, while Calvin set up the table.

The day after passed smoothly for me, there was no problem in the library, where I was working. And it was a sunny day. When I got home, early, I put my keys, my wallet and my phone on the table and called Calvin to let him know that I'm home. But there was no response. I called again but to no avail. He was supposed to be home an hour ago.

Suddenly my phone rang, and I instantly picked it up when I saw the contact's name. Calvin's school.

Oh no, what happened? I thought.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Yeah, hello. Is this (y/n) (y/l/n)?" The voice who I knew was the principal's asked.

"Yes, this is her. What happened?" I asked ,worry killing me.

"I'm sorry to inform you that Calvin has been injured and is in the hospital right now." The principal informed me from the other side of the phone.

"What? Why? How? What happened? What hospital? Who or what injured him?" I showered him with question.

"Miss (y/n), please just come to the (name of the hospital) hospital and I will give you the information you need." He calmly said.

"Alright, I'm on my way. " I rushed.

The whole ride was blurry. My only family, my baby brother is laying in the hospital right now. How am I going to live if something happened to him. I payed the taxi driver, twenty dollars was what was left in my pocket, giving him much more that he needed. All I could think of is Calvin laying motionless on a hospital bed.

The principal was standing right in front of the main doors, ready for my outburst on him.

"Where is he? Is he injured badly? When can I see him?" Again I showered the poor man with questions.

"Calvin is okay, he has a broken leg that's all." He said calmly as I sighed relieved.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Well, I was out with Calvin's class in a tour trip around New York when a building collapsed. It was hit by some sort of robots. So of course, there was a lot of rocks falling down on them. Luckily, Iron Man was able to remove them all and save us. But somehow he missed one that was falling towards him, and Calvin as we all know him, tried to save the superhero and pushed him out of the way. Sadly a part of that rock landed on his leg." He finished, by this time we were in front of Calvin's room.

"Yeah, that sounds like something Calvin would do. Be the hero." I said as he chuckled. I nodded thanking him, and twisted the door knob to see Calvin.

"(Y/n)! You won't believe who I saved today!" He joyfully said as he saw me entering his room.

"Let me guess. Iron Man." I simply said.

"Did someone say my name. " I heard from the corner of the room.

There he was, sitting in a chair, the one and only Tony Stark, a.k.a Iron Man. Of course the genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist was known all around New York. I mean who wouldn't. He's freaking Iron Man. But I didn't like him because of how arrogant he was and how he treated women.

"Oooh, you knew already. I bet the principal told you, huh?" Calvin broke the silence.

With that Tony Stark got up from his chair and made his way towards me who didn't flinch a bit. I mean I really dislike the guy, apart from the fact that he saved my brother but come on he's... he's Tony Stark.

"Hello, miss. I'm Tony Stark. But you probably knew that. And you are?" He extended his hand for me to shake.

"Thank you, Mr Stark for saving my brother. You can leave now that I'm here." I ignored his hand and walked past him to sit down on Calvin's bed.

"Why so cold, little missy?" He faked a hurt look.

"Yeah, (y/n). You're embarrassing me in front of my hero." Calvin pouted.

I rolled my eyes at Tony's comment and my brother's. I also faked a smile and got up to face Stark.

"What I meant, Mr Stark, is that you are busy and you must have places to go. So we wouldn't want to make you late now. Would we, Calvin?" I turned to give a glare to Calvin, because he knew that I hated Tony Stark.

"No, no, no. Nothing is more important than making sure that my hero here," he motioned to Calvin that had a goofy smile,"is okay and healthy. And don't worry, (y/n). You are not making me late." He smirked.

How delightful. I thought, rolling my eyes once again.

-Kiana 🙊

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