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Third Person's POV:

Bucky made his way to the kitchen, he stood at the doorway as he spotted a familiar redhead. He had had ple.ty of dreams and flashbacks with her in it. But he never actually remembered what she was for him. Whenever he was around her, he felt a weird sensation in his stomach. He knew that it wasn't fear or hate or even anger. He knew those feelings way too much to not recognize them. It was something more, something he didn't feel in a long time. It was something warm and it made him kind of happy to see her but he was too afraid of the feeling that he did the only thing he knows. Run away. Sort of.

He quickly slipped away, but he was not fast enough for the Black Widow. She saw him. She sighed in frustration.

"Okay, that's it. I'm gonna go talk to him." She put her mug down.

"Talk to who?" (Y/n) asked her.

"Bucky." Natasha huffed.

"Did he do something?" She asked again.

"Let's go to my room." Nat said  noticing Steve and Tony listening to their conversation.


Once in the room, Nat and (Y/n) sat on the bed opposite from each other. Growing impatient, (Y/n) nudged Nat's knee with her own.

"So, what's the prob, Bob?" She joked.

"Okay, what I am about to say, you can't say it to any living body, deal?" The redhead warned.

"I can promise you that I won't say it to any Avenger! Does that sound good? 'Cause I have a bestfriend and a brother that are very curious cats." She smiled.

"As long as they don't tell anybody else, I'm cool." Nat said.

"That I can assure you."

"Okay so, a long time ago I, the Black Widow, fell in love." (Y/n) let out a gasp and had the cheesiest grin.

"NO WAY!" She fangirled.

"Trust me, even I don't believe it." Nat chuckled.

"Who was the lucky guy?"

"Is." Nat corrected.

"You still do. Oh my lord, tell me." (Y/n) whisper-yelled.

"It's Barnes." Nat sighed. Another gasp was let out.

"JAMES!" She now yelled.

"Shhhh. Keep quiet. Yes, it's Bucky. But I called him James too." Nat said.

"Wait, but what happened? Why aren't you guys together?" (Y/n) asked.

"He doesn't remember anything. Not even me." Nat said with a sad tone.

"What? Was it before the brainwashing?" She asked.

"He escaped from Hydra one time, that's when I met him, but after a month Hydra succeeded in taking him back. So they brainwashed him. He doesn't remember me. He doesn't remember us." Nat said.

"Hold on, I thought you're with Bruce now."

"I was going to be but now with James  in the picture, I don't want to lie and hurt Bruce."

"Wow, you got serious shit going on."

"Yeah, the problem is James doesn't even talk to me and doesn't even want to be in the same room as I am. Like in the kitchen today."

"I didn't even see him." (Y/n) said disappointed.

"I'm a professional assassin, you're a cute little potato." Nat joked.

"I still don't know what you mean." (Y/n) mused.

"I have quick reflexes, and you have... I don't know what you have."

"I am offended, but I got it though." She smiled and sighed. "Since you told me a secret of yours, I'll tell you a secret of mine."

"You, an awkward dumpling, have a secret? I am impressed." Nat smirked, (Y/n) laughed a little but she quickly recovered.

"Aside from the occasional mind-reading, I have other super powers." (Y/n) said suddenly.

Nat just looked at her then bursted out laughing, clutching her stomach. Once she realized that her friend wasn't joking, she regained her breath.

"Wait, you're not joking. Oh my god, (Y/n). Like what? Can you fly?" Nat asked.

"No, I can-" Nat cut her off.

"No don't tell me. You can... shoot lasers frol your eyes." Nat guessed.


"Ice powers?"


"Super strength?"



"I wish."

"Okay, I give up. What is it?" Nat surrendered.

"I can.. um.. like... let me show you." Soon enough, a dim blue light started floating from her hands and Nat noticed that her eyes went from her usual color to dark blue.

"Oh my god! You're like Wanda." Nat breathed.


"Oh, right, you have never seen her before. She's in Hawaii, with her brother, taking a small vacation. She's actually coming back tomorrow." Nat said.

"Well, can she help me control it?" (Y/n) asked.

"She'll be glad to." Nat smiled.

"And can you not tell Tony about this? Until I can control it, I want to keep it just between us."

"Sure, if you keep mine, I'll keep yours. How's that sound?"


"What should I do though?" Nat asked.

"My suggestion is that you go talk to him. Don't tell him about your relationship. The past is in the past. Live a new one. Start a friendship first. But again, what do I know? I'm just a little innocent potato." (Y/n) shrugged with a little smirk on her lips.


Hiii, I hope you're not already bored by this story but I'm doing what I can. I just wanted to say that I didn't kill off Pietro like they did, because he simply DESERVES TO LIVE.

-Kiana 🙊

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