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Third Person's POV:

"Your room or Natalia's?" (Y/n) smirked when she saw him frozen at the doorway.

"Um.. I believe I said m-mine." He said, thanking god that he had his back to her so she couldn't see his blush.

"Well, I'm just saying, because you spend a lot of time in her room as does she in yours." She added. "What are you guys doing in there?"

He turned abruptly and stuttered, "N-Nothing, she's just helping me regain my memories."

(Y/n) smirked victoriously when she noticed the blush on his cheeks. "How? By kissing you?" She joked.

"Who's kissing who?" Tony emerged to the kitchen. Passing Bucky, he stood beside the coffeemaker to make himself a much needed cup of steaming coffee. "Is the assassins finally going out?" He added smirking as well.

"Apparently, Nat has been helping him remember." She quoted.

"How? By kissing it out of him?" Tony asked.

(Y/n) bursted out laughing while Bucky only blushed harder. "That is exactly what I told him." She told Tony who joined her.

"What's going on here?" Steve and (F/n) entered the kitchen, curious about all the laughing.

"Nat and Bucky are a thing." (Y/n) exclaimed to her bestie.

"Do you mean the ship has sailed?" (F/n) squealed.

"Guys stop it. Nobody is seeing any one." Bucky growled. But no one payed him attention as the two girls kept fangirling and Steve joined Tony in making a coffee for himself as well.

"Who's seeing who?" Sam came to view as he stood behind Bucky.

"NO ONE." Bucky yelled, exasperated.

"I wasn't asking you, Metallica." Sam scoffed then headed to where the girls were giggling.

"Bucky and Natasha a-" (Y/n) started but stopped when a certain red head came into the kitchen.

"What about me and James?" She asked as she took the cup of steaming coffee from Tony and took a sip.

Everyone froze and looked at each other, afraid of the Black Widow.

"What? Do we have another mission? Ugh, I'm in no mood for a damn mission, right now." She continued.

"No, no. You don't have a mission." Tony smirked. Apparently, he wasn't as scared as the others were, or at least he didn't show it.

Just as he was about to continue, Clint popped up from the vents in the ceiling. He smirked at everyone.

"I know what they said." He said.

"Shut up, Legolas." Tony hissed.

"They were talking about you guys' relationship." He started.

"Clint, I'm gonna skin you." (Y/n) threatened.

"Not if you can't catch me. Anyway, they were saying that you guys are a thing now, and I quote from Tony, you are kissing the memories out of him." He smiled at Tony.

Natasha looked at Clint wide eyed, then immediately turned to glare at Tony with gritted teeth. "You have two seconds to run." She growled putting the coffee down.

"My job here is done." Clint chuckled then retreated to his warm nest in the vents.

"See you later, sweetheart." Tony kissed (Y/n)'s cheek and ran from the kitchen like if his life depended on it, which was kind of the case.

"I'm gonna fry your-" Natasha started to go after him, but a hand on her shoulder stopped her.

"Natalia, it's not worth it. Just, calm down." He said, his voice incredibly calm and soothing yet hard and dark, which Nat actually liked very much.

She took a step back and as she did so, Bucky's hand slipped on her waist and held her next to him. She began to calm down at his closeness and let out a shaky sigh. She noticed the others still watching them intently. Especially (Y/n) who was grinning from ear to ear as her eyes fell upon his hand gripping her waist.

"What are you all staring at? Yes, we're a thing. Anybody got a problem with that?" She snapped.

"Nope." Steve mumbled.

"No problem here." Sam smiled.

"Well-" (Y/n) started, "Clint owes me twenty bucks because I predicted that you'll be together in a matter of weeks and he said months. I won. And that means I'm twenty dollars richer today. So, no, I have no problem at all. In fact, we shipped you before you even shipped yourselves." She gladed past them but not missing the chance to wink at Bucky.

The others slowly fill out the room, until the couple found themselves standing alone in the kitchen.

"I have no idea what she just said." Bucky admitted.

Nat giggled and pinched his cheek, "Nothing you need to worry about, James."

"Oh, I think you forgot who we're talking about here. It's (Y/n), remember?" Bucky chuckled as he put his hand over hers which was now pressed on his cheek.

"Yeah, we're gonna get a lot of teasing from that girl." She huffed.

"You can say that again." He sighed.

When they returned to the living room, Bucky and Natasha found the others slouched on the various couches, laughing.

"So Barnes was running, T'challa was running, I was flying, and Steve was like fuck this, I'm taking a car." Sam said between laughter.

"Steve, he said a bad language word." Tony pointed at Sam, still laughing.

"Oh my god, it was one time, guys, one time. Come on." Steve sighed dramaticaly.

"Can't you, fellows, be normal at all?" Bruce asked, while he was passing the hallway.

"I tried to be normal once, worst two minutes of my life." Calvin grinned.

"(Y/n), I hate to be a party pooper but we need to train." Bucky called.

"Did you just say party pooper? Did the winter soldier just- where did you hear that?" (F/n) giggled.

"From Tony. Now come on, (Y/n)." Bucky exclaimed.

"I'll come only because you said party pooper." (Y/n) stood up, kissed Tony's head, then accompanied Bucky to his room.

After a few steps in the hallway, (Y/n) noticed footsteps behind them. She turned around to find Natasha following them.

"May I ask why is The Black widow following us?"

"So she can protect her boyfriend." Nat replied blantly.

"Her boyfriend, the Winter Soldier?" (Y/n) smirked.

"Yes. Is that a problem?" Nat raised an eyebrow.

"Nope." She replied, popping the p. Turning to Bucky who was watching his girl with adoring eyes, she smirked then passed him.

"Oh," she started, "and I'm waiting for my details on this sudden relationship, Natalia." She winked at Nat then continued her walk to Bucky's room.

"First, it was (F/n) and Steve. Now, it's Bucky and Nat. Where are all these relationships coming from? What's next? Clint and Sam? Yep, those two already are like bird couples." (Y/n) mumbled to herself.

"You're like a leprechaun of relationships!" Nat said.

"It has a name. It's called, Cupid." (Y/n) argued.

"Nope, you're too short to be Cupid. But you're perfect for a leprechaun. So, leprechaun it is." Nat smirked.

"Why do I feel like that's gonna be my new nickmame?" (Y/n) sighed.

"Because it already is, leprechaun." Bucky teased.


Hey, guys. Sorry for the late update but I thought I published but apparently I didn't. Just a quick question though. Are there some buckyNat shippers out there?

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