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Third Person's POV:

Screams. Loud, familiar and painful screams. That's what woke her up. But as soon as she did, it stopped. (Y/n) felt horrible. Her head was pounding and her body felt restless and limp. She cupped her head in a failed attempt to calm the pain. Looking around, she noticed she was in a bedroom.

Various photos decorated the walls and the dresser. The bright orange door, the green desk, the blue walls, all the colors that once were the light and joy of the room, now were dull in the darkness. They were sad, depressed and alone in each other's company. Suddenly, memories came rushing down on her. Those pictures were hers and her best friend's. It documented the crazy, happy, sad and exciting moments. That was (F/n)'s bedroom.

She shook her head, though, getting rid of the emotions and memories that hit her like a train. That was not the place nor was it the time to remember the old times.

(Y/n) got up from the bed, but sat on it, looking around. She tried to remember what happened before she slept, but everything was foggy and a blur. She was talking with Tony, then Steve and she remembered something about a park. What was she doing in the park? And why would she go alone with-

"Wait, how am I here if I was in the park?" She freaked out, "Oh god! Where's Steve?"

Suddenly, she was fully awake. Her eyes scanned the room searching for the captain. But there was no sign of him. She stood up, walked to the door and tried opening it. It wouldn't budge. It was locked.

"I gotta get out of here." She whispered to herself.

She ran to the windows, but they were also shut. Her breathing picked up by then. She was having a panic attack.

"No, not now." She cried. "Okay, just calm down. What would Tony do? What would Tony do?" She repeated but stopped, then said, "what would I do?"

She took a deep breath in, and let it out slowly. After more tries, she was fully calm and her mind was fully operating.

"Okay, I need to figure out a way to find Steve then go home." She voiced.

Her brain began analyzing the possibilities for her to escape. The door was shut, the windows were locked, there was no other exit from the room. Unless she made one. Her powers. She harnessed the remaining energy that she had and pointed her hands at the wall. Just like Wanda once taught her.

Blue aura came from her fingertips, and with a quick whoosh, it hit the wall. The impact, however, was just strong enough to create long cracks in the wall. She needed more power. Even if she managed to break the wall, she would need more power to fight her way out. She was weak, she was alone.

No, she was weak because she was alone. She needed her other half. She needed to be full.

"Aylo, can you hear me? I need you." She yelled, not caring if she would be heard.

In a matter of seconds, the ghost appeared in front of her and she couldn't be any more happier than she was that moment. She felt the energy surge in her veins as she saw him smile at her.

"Finally. I thought you'd never call." Aylo joked. "The Avengers are trying to figure out their way to you."

"Well then, let's kick some ass and find Steve, before all the fun is gone." She smirked.

"That won't be necessary. Steve is in the tower, your orders." The ghost explained.

"Oh. Um, we'll just go then." (Y/n) said.

Suddenly, the door got unlocked and flew open. There stood Meg, with two soldiers behind her. Aylo quickly made himself invisible. If they don't know he's here, he can help (Y/n) escape without a scratch.

"You're awake. Good. It's time for a small reunion. Come with me, will you?" She asked with what was once had been a warm and comforting smile and now was a menacing smirk.

Without any type of acceptance nor rejection from the playboy's girlfriend, the two heavily armed soldiers stepped into the room and grabbed her forearms, dragging her behind their leader.

"Keep calm, I'm with you." Aylo communicated.

"Can't we just teleport?" She suggested to Aylo.

"I think you should read her mind first. I didn't like the way she said reunion. Then decide what we should do." He cleared, and she mentally agreed.

(Y/n) focused, just like Wanda taught her, and calmed her mind and thoughts to hear the others'. First, she could hear the soldiers, they were exhausted, not just physically but mentally also. They were following orders to stay alive. Survival was their top priority. Clearly, they didn't join HYDRA on their free will. Then, (Y/n) tried to read Meg's thoughts.

Silence. Nothing. There wasn't any single thing she could hear. And as if Meg read her mind, she exclaimed.

"You're too quiet today, I hope you're not trying the whole mind reading thing. My precious daughter told me all about that and I figured out a way to prevent that. Isn't that dope?" Meg tried to joke.

(Y/n) cringed at the older lady's choice of word, but kept silent. She lifted her head up, and walked beside the men, refusing to look intimidated by them.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Aylo spoke.

"Aylo, when do you not?" She said, annoyed.

"This time is much, much worse."

"Dude, just shu-" she started but was cut off by another voice. A scream. A familiar scream. The familiar scream that woke her up just minutes ago. That's when she noticed Meg and her followers stop at a grey metal door.

"Okay, so do you want to go first or... I mean it's open." Meg suggested, but (Y/n) held her ground, she refused to go in because, what if it was a trap.

"Who's in there?" She asked, her voice shaking a little.

"Want to know? Go in." Meg shrugged, just as another loud scream erupted from behind the metal door.

"Is that-"

"Need a little push?" One of the guards grumbled and he literally pushed her slamming her into the door.

(Y/n) threw him a dirty look, and looked back at the handle on the metal that separated her from the other person in the next room. She slowly put her hand on it and opened it.

"Told you this was a bad idea." Aylo commented after seeing what was on the other side.


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