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Third Person's POV:

(Y/N) entered the living room to find it empty, she began to call the captain's name until he answered from the kitchen. He was sipping from a cup of coffee while reading the news paper, when she came in and sat on the chair opposite of him.

"So Cap... Can I call you Cap? I mean I can call you Steve if that bothers you." she said.

"It's okay, you can call me Cap. Everyone else does." he said as he put his paper on the table.

"Okay, Cap. I noticed that you just got back from a mission, and you are exhausted but I want to ask some questions to get to know you and your past better." She smiled.

"I'll give you an answer per day." He smirked.

"What? That's not fair." She pouted.

"(Y/n), fair is my middle name." He said.

"I thought it was freedom." She joked while he shrugged and chuckled.

"Okay, then. How was the 40s?" She asked.

"It was kinda good considering the war and all, but it got better when I became-" he explained but she cut him off.

"Tall." She joked.

"I was going to say Captain America, but yeah that too." he chuckled.

"So, what's on the news paper today?" She managed to say, after her laughter died off.

"Same old, same old." he said, sipping from his coffee.

"Is Capsicle here? I heard 'Old'." Tony said as he emerged from around the corner with Calvin hot on his heels.

"Ha Ha. Very funny, Tony." Steve sighed as (Y/n) giggled.

Tony grabbed a mug from the cupboard and filled it with coffee, he leaned against the counter as he took a sip from it.

"So, (Y/n). What did Frozen say?" He said as he looked at his mug, then at her.

"Um, who?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows.

"It's Bucky. He calls him that." Steve sighed as he picked up his news paper again.

At the mention of Bucky, (Y/n) stiffened and glared at Calvin. He shrugged faking innocence, as he escaped the kitchen, but not before mouthing a 'sorry'. She sighed and looked back at Tony who was waiting patiently.

"About what?" She asked as innocently as she could avoiding his gaze.

"I don't know, you tell me. He almost ate you alive." He kind of yelled.

"Well, first of all, don't raise your voice, you're not my father. Second, he was just a bit confused." She got up from her seat, trying to sound intimidating, in which she failed thanks to her heights.

"Confused? You call that confused? He almost pounced on you." Now his arms were flying around in frustration. "I don't want you talking to him anymore, hell I don't even want you in the same room as that ... that ... monster."

She let out a loud gasp, Steve got up and approached him in a dangerous speed. He raised a finger and poked his chest as he said.

"DON'T. EVER. CALL. HIM. THAT. AGAIN." He growled.

"Or what?" Tony challenged.

"Or I'll personally-" Steve started but got interrupted yet again by (Y/n).

"Steve, let me talk to him, please." She said in a strangely quiet tone.

Steve sat down in his previous chair and sipped viciously on his cup of coffee. (Y/n) just grabbed Tony's hand and led him to the hallway. She stopped abruptly and turned to him, who was ready to speak but she spoke first.

"Tony, before you say anything else, and know that I'm sorry I'm saying this but, do you think no one have ever called you a monster?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"While saving NYC or Sokovia, don't you think that there were victims?"

"Well, yes, of course there were."

"Okay, and who was responsible of those victims? And know that some were killed by the rubble and big chunks of buildings that fell." She explained. 

"Us?" He lowered his head in shame.

"I'm not the one who's saying that. It's the families of the victims; of course not all of them. But what do YOU call someone who killed a member of your family?" She raised her eyebrows asking.

"Monsters?" He said yet again in shame.

"And are you okay with people calling you that?"


"So what makes you different from James?"

"Nothing." He was a little surprised at what she called Bucky but chose not to comment on it.

"Actually there is one thing. It's that you were fighting while you were in control, not like James, he was brainwashed, he had no control over his actions." She explained.

"Okay, I got your point. But that doesn't mean I can completely forgive him." He crossed his arms like a child.

"I'm not expecting you to." Bucky said getting from his hide-out. He heard the whole conversation.

"What?" Tony said in a more serious tone now.

"All I want is to be accepted, and not to be forgiven easily." Bucky slightly smiled.

"Well, the second one I can provide." Tony mumbled.

"I'll provide them both for you." (Y/n) smiled at Bucky then grabbed Tony's arm. "We'll both do. Right, Tony?"

"I'll try." Tony sighed.

"That's a start." She kissed his cheek.

"Thank you, Tony. And of course, you too, doll." Bucky thanked.

"Doll? Oh no! THAT I can't forgive." He almost yelled.

"Tony, relax. It's just a nickname." (Y/n) rubbed his arm softly.

"I'm sorry. I can just call her name if you're uncomfortable with 'doll'." Bucky said.

"Aren't you? She's my girlfriend, why should I be uncomfortable?"

"Tony." She sighed.

"Okay, I'm gonna shut up. And you can call her whatever you want, because I'm not jealous of you, and I know she'll pick me over you anytime." Tony waved his hand.

"I don't know about that, I mean look at those mesmerizing eyes and that  amazing body and soft hair and tha-" She joked.

"(Y/N)!!" Tony pouted which made her and Bucky laugh.

"You know I'm kidding, sweatheart." She kissed his neck because she was too tired to stand on her tippy toes to reach his cheek.

"You're hot though, James." She winked at him. Tony just glared at her while Bucky blushed furiously.

"What? I'm just saying." She shrugged and left them to go back to Steve. And they just stood there, kind of surprised.

"I'm serious now, Elsa. Don't you try something on her." Tony warned Bucky as he followed his girlfriend to the kitchen.

Bucky just smirked and followed them both to the kitchen to take his morning coffee.

-Kiana 🙊

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