Grand Escape

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Third Person's POV:

"We need more than this. Aylo, sound wave." (Y/n) ordered.

"Sound waves? What am I? A radio? I'm half a human being and half a demon. How ca- Oh wait, Wanda showed us how. My bad. Sor-" Aylo went on, but stopped when he heard his heart-mate sigh.

"Just do the damn thing." The girl sounded annoyed, so Aylo nodded and generated sound waves that were so powerful that they blew the metal door off and cracked the walls.

After the smoke cleared out, Meg could be seen peeking out from the door. But (Y/n) was too tired to do or say anything about it. Hence, the older woman found an opportunity and took it, raising her gun and aiming it towards the helpless lass.

"When I look at you right now, it's really hard to believe you're from the same family." Meg mocked.

"I'm gonna kill you. You just wait and see." (Y/n) growled.

"Oh, honey. But you need answers to those bugging questions that you ask yourself to sleep every night." The older woman stated.

"Maybe I don't need answers, maybe I just need to punch you in the face." The younger girl spat.

"You're too weak. You are not breaking out of this base all alone, dear." She smirked. Suddenly, she felt a harsh pain on the back of her head that knocked her unconscious.

"She is not alone. She never was." (F/n) smiled as she clenched the long pipe that she was using as a weapon.

(Y/n) was breathing heavily on the other side of the room. Her energy was so low that she didn't even have the strength to breath properly.

"You alright?" (F/n) asked walking towards the kneeling girl.

"I think my state speaks for itself." (Y/n) breathed.

"Yeah, that was stupid of me." (F/n) shook her head.

"Finally, something we can agree on." The playboy's girlfriend laughed.

"Even in your state, you joke around. I always wondered how can you do that." The best friend rolled her eyes.

"I don't know. Maybe I just see the beauty in everything." The tired girl kept joking, which made her friend roll her eyes again.

Just as (F/n) was helping her get up, (Y/n) felt a stinging pain in her leg, which made her scream. Looking down, she saw that her knee was out of the socket.

"Can you see the beauty in that?" The best friend mocked, pointing at the broken leg.

(Y/n) put on a smile, stretched her arms towards her bestie, and grinned, "I see that I get to have a piggy-back ride."

(F/n) groaned, "Put your arm around me, let's get out of here before mom decides to wake up."

(Y/n) did as she was told. And they slowly but swiftly made their way out of the cell/room to the hallway, limping. There were two agents laying down unconscious on the ground.

(Y/n) looked around the building, the walls were all grey, windows closed shut by planks of wood, little rays of daylight coming through the sides. And dust. Dust everywhere.

"What is this place?" She coughed.

(F/n) stopped, looked at her friend with the corner of her eyes, and said, "Would you like a tour or shall we resume our grand escape?"

(Y/n) laughed and spoke, "Lead the way."

As they were walking, further and further. (F/n) exclaimed, "Here's our way out."

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