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Third Person' POV:

As (Y/N) approached Bucky's room, she started thinking of the worst case scenerios. What has got Tony so angry? What could Bucky have done to him? Is it something that can be fixed after being broken? Well, there is only one person that can answer these questions. Well, they 're two, but whatever.

Bucky just got out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist, when he heard two soft knocks on his door. Thinking it was only Steve, he opened the door to be face to face with the girl he met that very day. She was quite a dame, he thought. She managed to look beautiful and cute at the same time with that outfit of hers. No, what was he thinking? She was Tony's girlfriend. Or at least that's what he thought, seeing the way Tony held her waist protectively when he saw him coming. Wait she was saying something. Bucky, focus.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" He apologised.

"I said, can we talk?" She asked, slightly blushing that he was only in a towel.

"Yes, yes, of course. Come in." He invited her, fully opening the door.

She entered the room and it was a bit dark inside. The curtains were all preventing the light from coming to the room. The only source of light was the bathroom's, which (Y/N) supposed was where Bucky was before she interrupted him. She finally had a glimpse of the bed and made a bee line towards it. She took a seat and Bucky followed her lead but stood awkwardly beside the night stand or at least that's what she thought it was, because of the dark.

"You sure love the dark, huh?" She joked.

"Oh yeh, sorry." He disappeared into the darkness and after a few seconds the lights were turned on. Now, she could see everything. The bed, the night-stand, the closet, the half-naked, six-pack, attractive, hot guy standing beside the door. She immediatly blushed and turned away. How dare you make me blush, she thought, I'll do the same to you. The best defense is to attack.

"Umm, would you mind putting a shirt or something? I can't focus on just your face with you half-naked in front of me, which I don't mind honestly but it's a bit of distraction." She smirked at her response, that was good.

"O-oh, s-sorry, again." He stumbled to the bathroom for a few seconds then he got out with pants on and a black shirt with long sleeves in his hands.

"Wait." She stopped him, she just noticed his metal arm. How could she not notice it before? Maybe it was the well-built chest, or the six-pack, or the gorgeous wet hair, or the deep blue eyes... You get the point. She could go all day if she wanted, but chose not to.

"Can I see... your arm?" She was standing up now, leaving him no choice but nod.

She approached him calmly and slowly, part of her knew that he was not a fan of his metal arm, so she was very careful. She stood now in front of him, her eyes lurking around his shoulder. Seeing all the scars that seperated his shoulder and arm, her curiosity took over her and she raised her hand to touch. However, she stopped mid-way and looked at Bucky.

"May I?" He nodded and watched her trace her delicate and soft fingers over his scars. He felt some sort of comfort. It has been a long time since he felt a woman's touch. He forgot how it felt, and now he was experiencing it again and it was amazing, and it's all thanks to this woman. A sigh left his lips and he wished it didn't, because as soon as it did, the softness was gone. He didn't realise his eyes were closed until he opened them after the feeling was gone, he looked at the girl and she was smiling at him. Why was she smiling at him? What happened?

"What?" He asked.

"Even if you already gave me my answer, I'll repeat my question so you won't get left out." She giggled, "My question was; Do you feel with this arm? I guess we both know the answer to that."

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