The Winter Soldier.

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Third Person's POV:

After a quiet and comfortable breakfast with Tony, they both returned to the living room, finding Calvin clutching his stomach laughing his butt off while Pepper had a very confused face on, and (F/n) just had a proud expression.

"What's happening here?" Tony asked Pepper who got up from her seat on the couch with a bemused expression.

"Why is everyone in this tower sarcastic little shits?" She asked.

That just increased the amount of laughter in the room, Tony and (Y/n) joining Calvin.

As everyone was still laughing, the elevator caught their attention with a loud ding. Steve and The Winter Soldier emerged from it with a full-on gear. They apparently just got from a mission with very tired faces.

(Y/n) immediately felt Tony tense a little at their presence, or at The Winter Soldier's presence precisely.

"Hello everyone. Oh! Hello Miss Potts. Long time no see." Steve, like the gentleman he is, greeted, and Pepper nodded with smile. As for The Winter Soldier, he just mumbled a quiet hello and retreated behind Steve, as he spotted Tony.

"Hi Steve. How've you been?" (Y/n) greeted back.

"Good, (Y/n). Let me introduce you to my bestfriend Bucky." He introduced.

"Hello, Bucky. Nice to meet you." She held out her hand.

"Nice to meet you too, (Y/n)." He shook her hand but kept his eyes on Tony who was slightly glaring at him.

After he got out of his trance, Tony groaned a 'hi' and marched his way to the elevator. (Y/n) furrowed her eyebrows at this and gave a quizzical look to Steve. But before Steve managed to answer, Bucky let out a long sigh, like he was holding his breath this whole time.

"He still can't forgive me." He whispered but it was loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Forgive you? What do you mean?" She asked, but Bucky stayed silent. After a moment, Steve replied.

"He doesn't talk about it. At least not in public." He whispered to (Y/n). She replied with an oh!.

"It's been a long day, I'll go change and I'll see you guys later." Bucky said as he exited the room.

"I have to go too. You guys take care." Steve excused himself to his room.

"Well, I have to go as well. Catch you later, (Y/n)." (F/n) fetched her purse and jacket.

The only people left in the room were (Y/n), Calvin and Pepper. The latter looked expectantly at (Y/n), who was very confused why.

"Well? Aren't you guys going to leave too?" Pepper asked.

"Honey, we live here now." (Y/n) smirked.

"What? Don't you have a house, you and your son?" Pepper asked again.

"First of all, he's my little brother. We were just messing with you back there. Secondly, Tony offered me and Calvin to move in. So, not wanting him to stay alone and after a lot of annoying begging from Calvin, I accepted." (Y/n) smiled.

Pepper paused for a second, shocked, then sighed.

"Well then, I'll be the one leaving because I have things to do and places to be in."

"Bye!" Calvin chirped from the couch.

After Pepper had left, (Y/n) sat next to Calvin, silent, which was weird for her.

"Sis, what's wrong? You've been staring at the wall for some time now." He asked.

"Nothing. I'm just thinking." She replied.

"Well that's dangerous, about what?" He chuckled.

"About Tony and Bucky, about the problem between them." She said.

"Why do you care? It's probably a hero thing. You're normal, you wouldn't understand even if they tell you."

"Eh, did you forget I can read minds?" She asked.

"That's different. You just have powers. I mean, that's cool and all, but you don't save lives. You don't use them for the sake of everyone's safety." Calvin explained.

"Well, will you understand him?" She challenged.

"Pff. Of course, Tony said I'm hero." He said proudly.

"Alright, hero. Go ask Tony, I'll go ask Bucky. Deal?"

"Mission: Finding the problem, starts now." He jumped from the couch and headed for the lab.

"Let's see what you have for me Mr... I don't even know his last name." She sighed. "Well that was a fail." She said as she walked towards the hallway.

"Wait, I don't know his room either. God I'm an idiot. That was an epic fail." She stopped and thinked.

"There is always me, Miss (Y/n)." FRIDAY said.

"Oh right, I forgot about you. FRIDAY, where is Bucky's room, please?" She asked.

"Third door in the left hallway, Miss." The A.I replied.

"Thank you. Now, we'll see what you're hiding bucky." She smirked.

Hey, that was awesome. She thought.

-Kiana 🙊

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