Wake up

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Third Person's POV:

Why wasn't she waking up? They tried everything. They called for her. They shook her. They sprayed water on her face. But to no avail.

They checked her pulse multiple times. There was a heartbeat. It was a faint one, but it was there. She was alive, they were sure. But she wasn't waking up.

In the end, Tony just held her to his chest tightly, whispering in her ear to wake up. Praying that she could hear him and wake up.

"Come on, sweetheart. You're the only one I have. You're the only one that understands me. The only one that sees through me. Please, wake up." He cried.

The assassins stood over him. They didn't know what else to do. After Natasha had called everyone and told them what happened, they all rushed to Bucky's room. Wanda, Vision and Calvin being the last to come. When they entered the room, Calvin was more than shocked to see his sister laid on the floor, Tony clutching her body for dear life.

"What's happening?" Calvin's voice broke. "What's wrong with my sister?"

With long strides, he reached her in no time. But Tony being in the way, he couldn't quite see his sister's face. It was buried in Tony's neck.

"Tony, move, let me see my sister." Cal demanded. When Tony didn't budge. He screamed with tearful eyes. "I SAID I WANT TO SEE MY SISTER!"

Tony then woke up from his state and moved aside for the kid to do what he wants. Calvin held his sister's hand as he stroked her pale cheek.

"Sis. Wake up." He whispered. "Please. Wake up and tell me what's wrong." He continued to beg.

"Wanda, why don't you take Calvin away." Clint said. Then he kneeled beside the boy. "We'll take care of her, don't worry. Why don't you go clean up with Wanda, kiddo?" He tried to smile but it came out sad.

Calvin shook his head violently. "No. No. I'm staying with my sister." He turned to glare at the rest of the avengers. "And no one will tell me otherwise."

"Honey, we're just gonna move her to a bed. Are you okay with that?" Natasha said as calm as she could.

When Calvin nodded. Bucky leaned over so he could pick (Y/n) up. However, a hand stopped him.

"Don't touch her." Tony growled. "All this is your fault."

When he pushed Bucky away from his girlfriend, he wrapped an arm under her knees and the other one snaked around her back. He picked her up and quickly got on his feet.

He noticed the redhead arrange Bucky's bed for her. "She's sleeping in our bed. You've done enough." He exclaimed.

With that he turned around and headed for their shared bedroom. Once he was out of sight, Steve let out a sigh as Wanda draped her arm over Calvin's shoulders and guided him out of the room.

"Let's go make your sister's favorite dish. When she wakes up, she'll be glad that you cooked her food." He heard her say, Vision and Clint right behind them.

Natasha noticed that Bucky still didn't make any reaction whatsoever. With his body tense, he stood still and didn't move a muscle, looking straight ahead. He was in deep thought, she concluded.

"James, what's wrong?" She put her hand on one of his shoulders and he relaxed a little.

"This is all my fault." Bucky hang his head low, now finding his shoes very interesting.

"No, it's not, Buck. And you know that." Steve exclaimed.

"But it is. This wouldn't have had happened if she didn't accept my dumbass of an offer. Training it out of her? What was I thinking? Stupid. Stupid." He huffed hitting his head.

"Stop. Stop." She whispered as she took his hands in hers. "James." She sighed, while hugging him.

Steve noticed his bestfriend relax gradually. He heard some muffled words coming out of Natasha. But his ears were unfamiliar with them. It was a foreign language. Something strong. However, Natasha said them with a soft and calm voice. It was obvious that they soothed Bucky. Then he concluded that it was their second common language. Russian.


In the billionaire's bedroom, (Y/n) was already laid down on the mattress, strapped to various machines that Clint and Vision had brought from the medical room. Tony took a seat next to the bed, clutching her hand in his.

He spent hours like that, thinking of a way to wake her up. Soon enough, it was night time but he refused to sleep. How could he, when the only motive he had is not there. Physically, she was, yes, but he needed all of her there. Physically and mentally.

Being Tony, he started doing tests again and again. Even if they all proved that she was okay and had nothing wrong with her. He was convinced that there was something holding her from getting back to him.

While he was doing his forty third test, Calvin walked in. His hair was a mess, he had sweat on his forehead, his eyes were red and puffy. His shirt wrinkled, he glanced at Tony then at his sleeping sister then at the billionaire again.

"Can I sit with you?" Calvin asked.

When Tony only nodded, Calvin quietly walked to the seat, kissed his sister's cheek, then sat taking her hand in his.

"Can't sleep?" Tony asked from his spot across the room. He was standing in front of a pop-up screen that was showing (Y/n)'s vitals.

"Uhuh. Nightmares." Calvin stated.

Tony stopped typing on his keyboard, turned to the tired kid and sighed. "You too?"

Calvin tiredly chuckled, "Yeah well, I guess it both scarred us. Our parents' death in the NYC invasion, even if I don't remember it like she does, still feels like it's our f-"

"The what? They died at the invasion?" Tony cut him off. Calvin only smiled, still looking at his sister.

"I knew she wouldn't have told you, but I think you deserve to know." Calvin smiled.

"Anyway, if I had a nightmare, she would stay with me the whole night, sometimes without even sleeping. She would sing to me, she knew I hated that song, but she did it anyways because my mom used to sing it to us since we were little. When I think about it, I never sang to her." Calvin said.

"I don't mind." Tony said, returning to his screen and keyboard.


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