Fury's puppies

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Third Person's POV:

"Seriously, bird brain? Is this the important work that you had to do?" Tony and (Y/n) heard Natasha yell as they entered the living room.

All the other Avengers, plus Nick Fury, sat on the couches scattered around the room except for the Black Widow and Hawkeye.

"What? I need my energy in the morning." Clint pouted.

"Your freaking friend just woke up from a coma and all you can think of is food. Good work, penguin." Nat huffed.

"She was okay! And stop calling me bird names. I'm a hawk, a hawk. Penguins aren't even real birds." Clint glared.

"Whatever you say, goose." She scoffed.

Clint just looked at her and whispered, "brown recluse."

Everybody gasped, even Fury's eye widened. Clint must really have a death wish, or want his head to be cut off by a very angry spider.

The moment was so intense. Natasha glared daggers at Clint, all of the others were watching quietly, waiting for her reaction.

"Clint," (Y/n) whispered, "I think those badass assassin escape things you do will be perfect for this situation."

With that, Natasha pounced at Clint, who was quick on his feet to dodge her. He ran to the hall where he disappeared followed by the angry Widow.

"Okay," Fury sighed, "I have to admit that was as intense as the way I lost my left eye. And let me tell you that wasn't a pretty sight to see."

"Um, hi. I'm (Y/n). Nice to meet you." (Y/n) waved from across the couch gingerly.

"Well, hello there. I heard a lot about you, miss (Y/n)." Fury tried to smiled.

"And I certainly heard a lot about you, Mr... Director...Sir." She stuttered, not knowing what to call him.

"Call me Fury. Everybody does. At least when I'm around." Fury eyed the Avengers.

"I'm sure they each have a nickname for you, isn't that right guys?" (Y/n) smirked.

"Anyway," Nick cleared his throat, keeping a chuckle at bay, "I have been informed of your condition and I came to see for myself."

"I'm better now. Thank you for coming." She smiled.

"I'm glad to hear that, but that's not why I am here." Fury admitted.

"May I ask why is it that you're here?" (Y/n) asked, her eyebrows raised.

"Well, Mr Calvin contacted me a week ago, and I'm still figuring out how he did that, informing me of your newly found powers." Fury nodded at Calvin who sat alone on a love seat.

"O-okay, and that means..." Tony trailed, being the impatient one of the group.

"One more question then I'll spill the beans." Fury started, "Do you have full control of your powers?"

"The old ones yeah." (Y/n) stated.

Everyone, except Tony, looked at her, confused.

"I'm sorry, the old ones?" Steve interrupted the silence.

"Yeah, she and that Aylo ghost can apparently fuse or something." Tony sighed.

"Who?" Fury demanded.

"Aylo. You must be informed of what Hydra did to me in order to reach Tony?" When Fury nodded, she continued. "Well, the other.... person that I turn into when I'm triggered is, in fact, Aylo."

"So you're telling me that the other 'person' -as you called it- is out and can control you?" Fury raised his eyebrow.

"Yes, but you see, he's a good person. He just wants to see the brightness of life, like any other living being, not to be trapped in a dark prison." (Y/n) argued.

Thank you, friend. Aylo spoke in her mind.

"You're telling me that you got the mighty protectors of Earth to believe in this fairy tale of a story?" Fury looked at each one of them.

"She can be pretty convincing." Steve sighed.

"And immeasurably stubborn." Bucky chuckled.

"Oh I know who she got that from." Fury said, a distant look in his eyes.

"Umm, w-what do you mean?" Calvin spoke from his comfy place.

"Nothing. So tell me, can you control this Aylo guy?" Fury interrogated.

"He's a person. You can't control a person, it's inhuman." (Y/n) started to get irritated.

"That depends."

"If you're human?" Sam asked.

"If he is." Nick replied.

"You know what, why don't you just say what you want to say then go and play with your agent puppies, huh?" She spat, a dark aura surrounding her.

Calm down, (Y/n). Aylo tried.

Fury just chuckled, shaking his head. He mumbled something inaudible then stood up.

"What I want, miss (Y/n), is for you to become one of my agent puppies."


"What? No way." Tony stood abruptly from his seat next to his girlfriend.

"It's not your decision, Stark." Fury huffed.

"You can do it, sissy! You can become a hero! A superhero!!" Calvin squealed from the love seat.

"Calvin, shut up. You've done enough." (Y/n) glared at him.

The thirteen year old boy sat back silently, as he realised that she was right.

"Director, if I may. (Y/n) just woke up from a coma, so I strongly suggest that you let her sleep on it." Steve suggested.

"Yes, of course. If you make up your mind, you know where to find me." Was Fury's last words as he entered the elevator.

With a 'ding', the doors closed and Fury was out of view.

"So, about that job. Sis, I'm sure you'll do fan-ta-s-" Calvin started but trailed off when he noticed his sister's glare.

"You better zip it, or I'm gonna send you to another dimension." (Y/n) growled.

"Well, excuse me while I go take a jog outside. You coming, Sam?" Steve smirked at the Falcon, who glared at him back while getting up as well.

The Avengers filled out the room, and all that was left was Tony and (Y/n), who looked deep in thought.

"(Y/n), please tell me you're not considering accepting his offer." Tony looked at her.

"I'm gonna go take a nap." (Y/n) sighed while getting up and heading for the bedroom.


Hey, guys!!! So Fury is finally here. He wants YOU to be a part of the secret S.H.I.E.L.D!!! And he's acting a little off??

Comment your theories here!

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