Third date.

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Third Person's POV:

Her face was dripping blood, she had bruises that will sure not be leaving soon. She was laying on a metal table instead of a chair now. They had moved her to the lab where it was more lit.

Again, she was surrounded by those horrible people with lab coats. She was injected with a lot of colory stuff. Green. Purple. Yellow. Red. Blue. White. Orange. You name it. Even black. And that's the most painful one. You see every liquid they injected in her, it hurt. But those were nothing compared to the last one, which was some black bubbly liquid.

It was the most painful experience in her life, after watching her parents die. Now that was painful.

"Please, stop. I told you, I don't know anything about him." She yelled.

"Anything yet, my dear." Some creepy guy in goggles said.

"What do you mean?" She was feeling numb but she could still feel the pain, somehow.

"You now know too much about Hydra. So you will become one of our soldiers." The same goggled guy smirked.

"I will never comply to you, you evil monster." She spat.

"You don't have a choice, my dear." He laughed.

"Don't call me that." She yelled again.

"I'll be calling you something else when all of this is over." He smirked.

"Go to hell." She yelled for the third time.

Her head was strapped to a big machine. One of them pressed some buttons. After that, she let out the loudest scream the doctors have ever heard. Her whole body was vibrating. Everything in her mind became blank. Just a white page.

Then the machine went quiet, and she was being let free from it. She heard a bunch of words, and felt something take over her, making her feel numb.

"Good morning, soldier." The goggled dude smirked.

"Ready to comply." She heard herself say.


"Jarvis, how long do we still have to get to our destination?" Tony asked the AI.

"Two hours, sir." The AI replied.

"Can we make it faster than that?" He asked again.

"If we increase the speed, it will get us there in forty five minutes, however it will decrease the power in the suit, sir." Jarvis explained.

"Then let's do it." He said sternly.

"But, sir, I will not be able to-" Jarvis started.

"Jarvis, full power. Now." Tony kind-of-yelled.

At that last single word, the thrusters became at an enormous amount of power. If it wasn't for the suit, Tony would have been blown away by the wind. In no time, or in fourty five minutes precisely, Tony arrived at his destination.

"We have reach our destination, sir." Jarvis exclaimed.

"Let's kick some Hydra's ass." Tony yelled.


Finally, there was no pain, no screaming, no injections, no doctors, no lab coats, no dudes with scars or goggles. Nothing. Just peace and quiet.

She was alone, in a room with nothing but a small bed in the corner. She was some kind of prisoner. The only thing that kept her from her freedom was not the metal locked door, nor the four stone walls, but strangely it was some voice inside of her. That voice was hushed but it was so convincing.

Don't even think about it. You know why? Because one, you can't break down that metal door. Two, even if you do you can't win over hundreds of Hydra agent. Three, even if you somehow could where would you go? You don't even know where you are.

So she stayed put, waiting for her knight in iron suit to save her. Although she was kinda loosing hope, he didn't show up for god knows how many hours she stayed in this hell-like-place. Suddenly, there was a huge explosion in the room beside her.

Must be one of their shitty experiment. She thought.

She sighed plopping down on her bed again. She really was loosing hope right now.

Where is she? She heard someone yell.

"Tony?" She whispered.

She got up and rushed to the wall opposite of her. She started banging on it, hard. Calling his name, louder and louder every time she did so.

"(Y/n)? Is that you?" She heard him say from the other side of the wall.

"Yes, Tony it's me. Please, help me. I'm scared." She screamed sniffing.

"I need you to go to the other wall. Can you do that for me?" He aksed calming her.

"No. Don't leave me, please. Please." She begged.

"(Y/n), listen to me. I will never leave you again. Please, just do as I say." He reasoned.

"Okay, but please hurry up." She begged.

She ran to the other wall and hid behind her tiny bed. She put her palms against her ears and close her eyes shut. After a loud bang, many pieces of the once-standing stone wall flew toward her. Luckily, she was shielded by the small bed.

Once she felt that it was safe to get up, she took a peak first. She couldn't see clearly, but after a few seconds and the dust cleared, she saw the man of iron.

"Tony!" She breathed.

She ran to him as he disengaged his suit to set him free. She hugged him with such force and he hugged back tighter. There was a moment where they didn't say a thing. They just savoured the arms of each other. Until Tony broke the silence.

"I would love to stay like this but we have to go, pipsqueak." He whispered in her hair.

"Yeah, okay." She sniffed.

When they finally pulled away from the hug, Tony got the chance to see her face clearly. His eyes widened at the deep cuts and bruises that covered her beautiful face. He passed a finger against one of them and she winced.

"Who did this to you?" His anger clear in his tone.

"I'm okay." She smiled.

"Who did this to you?" This time it was softer.

"I'm okay." She repeated.

Then he brought her against him again into another hug. He began stroking her hair

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He whispered.

She pulled away and looked him in the eye while cupping his face. She smiled.

"It's okay. You're here now." She assured him.

"I'm here. I'm going to get you out of here and we're having a third date." He smirked.

"That's the Tony I know." She laughed.


Special thanks to @Jvoss_10 for being the first vote for this fanfic. I was seriously losing hope but you made me happy. So Thank you so much ♡♡♡♡♡


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