Comply, Soldier.

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Third Person's POV:

"Is this too tight?" Bucky asked, strapping her wrists and legs to the chair that she was sitting on.

"The tighter, the safer." (Y/n) tried to smile, even if the straps were cutting through her flesh. And she was sure she would be bruising tomorrow.

"We can hold our own." Natasha said from the bed.

"If this passes without any problem, I'll hold your own." (Y/n) tried to lighten the atmosphere.

"You had to make it weird. You should stop hanging around us." Nat sighed.

"I live in the same building as you do. I can't not hang around you." (Y/n) laughed.

"Okay, all done. Let's start." Bucky said bringing a chair in front of (Y/n) to sit on.

"Wait, what about Tony?" (Y/n) panicked. "He's not safe with me in the same building."

"He has a 9:30 diner. It's 10:04 now. We can safely say that he's far." Nat said.

"It's Tony, guys. If he has a 9:30 diner, he'll be there at 11:00." (Y/n) sighed.

"You're underestimating us, (Y/n). We're the russian assassins, remember? He's safe." Natasha said, now standing behind Bucky, with both her hands on his shoulders.

"I just worry. I got powers too." (Y/n) reasoned.

"But the other you doesn't know." Bucky assured with a smile.

(Y/n) sighed, defeated. She nodded and closed her eyes, ready for whatever it was that was coming.

Bucky took the paper that (Y/n) wrote the words in, and starting reading.

" Lightning. Fury. Dark. Seven. Angry. Thirsty. Five. Hungry. Ride. Switch."

After he finished, he looked at her. She didn't move, she didn't even flinch. Worried, he looked up Natasha for help. When she shrugged, he sighed.

That simple sigh woke (Y/n) up, making her shoot her eyes open in a blink of an eye. She looked around her, scanning every object in the room, looking for doors and windows that she could escape through. Then she noticed the two people looking quizzically at her, watching her every move. She looked at them with a blank expression, which made them sure that she wasn't the (Y/n) they knew.

She was the soldier.

"Soldier?" Bucky called.

She just continued to look at him blankly. She wasn't complying which was really bad. If she didn't comply to Bucky who triggered her, then she won't comply to anyone else. Which means he won't be able to cancel her mission.

"Soldier?" Bucky said, more firmly.

This time, (Y/n) looked him right in the eyes. Not moving them from them. They were surprised to see a faint smile on her features. It wasn't the warm smile they were used to, but a twisted smile that meant they were being tested.

"Soldier?" Bucky growled again. There was no need to be nice. That person in front of him was not the nice girl that made him get out of his shell.

"Why so serious, Buckaroo?" Her voice came out soft and sweet. If they didn't know any better, they would have thought that it was (Y/n), the real (Y/n).

But they knew that she was just trying to play with their minds. Trying to get them to free her. So that she complete her mission.

"Tell us your mission." Bucky ordered. He had to appear in control.

"Why are you fooling around, Bucky Bear? You know it already." She giggled, in a sickening way.

They were shocked, she sounded so much like her. But wait, she knows that we know.

"Of course I know, silly Nat." (Y/n) rolled her eyes. "I can read minds and-" she paused, now smiling directly looking in their eyes. "As I can do a lot of things."

"How do you know all of this?" Nat asked.

"I've been asleep, I haven't been dead. I could hear everything going around. When dear Bucky said that he will trigger the dumb girl, I was so excited to finally get out. I didn't see the light since those damn bastards created me. Now can you please loose these restraints? My wrists are aching." (Y/n) whined.

Bucky looked at her carefully, studying her. What was she up to?

"You want us to free you so that you can complete your mission. We're not letting you do that, sweetheart." Nat smirked.

"We both know if I wanted to escape, I'll do it with my powers. Sweetheart." She mocked them, with a smile. "But I'm aiming to not move a muscle."

The two assassins were shocked ans relieved at the same time.

"Because my mission is coming to me. On its own fucking will." She continued with a smirk.

Bucky and Natasha were confused at first. How would Tony come by himself? They specifically told Steve to not let Tony get out of the living room. But this girl is capable of everything, they can see it in her eyes.

"Tony!" She screamed. "Tony, help me. Bucky is hurting me. TONY!!"

They heard some shuffling in the background. They knew Tony heard her. They knew he'll come for her. And that is exactly what she wants.

"(Y/n)! Steve, get away from me Where are you, sweetheart? Talk to me." He called, apparently fighting off Steve.

"I'm in Bucky's-" "NO!! Don't -" "hurry up. He has a knife." She continued to scream, shaking her head.

Nat quickly ran to the door and locked it. Bucky then stood up angrily, the back of his knees making the chair fall.

"Stop. Soldier, I order you to stop." Bucky said firmly.

"Nobody can give orders in this building." (Y/n) whispered then winked at him. She continued screaming, until Tony was banging his fists on the door.

"Barnes, you better open this door or I swear I'll break it down." Tony warned. Nat looked at Bucky who shook his head. Then he hurried to his nightstand, got ducktape and put it on (Y/n)'s mouth.

"Tony. Relax. I'm here with James too. (Y/n) is fine. We triggered her. She's just messing with your mind so that she can kill you." Nat yelled at Tony.

"Steve, get him out of here." Bucky yelled.

"You got it, Buck." They heard Steve, talking to Tony, reasoning with him. After a while, their footsteps were heard backing away to the living room.

Bucky then removed the tape from (Y/n)'s lips. She didn't even flinch. She glared at him and Natasha.

"So, you wanna make this hard for me, huh?" She sighed dramatically, looking down.

In one swift gesture, (Y/n)'s restraints were gone. By using her powers, she was free. Which meant bad news for the assassins. Bucky backed away, standing next to Natasha at the process. (Y/n) stood up, dusted herself, then glared at him behind her eyelashes.

"The other way it is then." She smirked.

-Kiana 🙊

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