Two hearbeats. One heart.

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Third Person's POV:

With Calvin kneeling on the floor, Tony splated beside the bed, Bucky still on (Y/n)'s body, Steve approached them quitely.

"Guys, I don't know what to say-" He started.

"Then don't say anything." Tony yelled from his spot. He then got up. "She's fine. She's just resting." He sniffed.

"Tony, you're in denial." Natasha said.

Bucky growled as he stood up next to Tony. "You heard him, she's resting."

"Guys, come on. Don't do this." Clint begged.

Everyone stood still, no one dared to move. It was like another Civil war with Tony and Bucky against the whole other avengers. Who knew?

"She's still alive." Wanda breathed.

"Not you too, Wanda." Pietro huffed.

"No, I'm serious." His sister argued.

Everyone looked at her with narrowed eyes. They clearly didn't believe her.

"Why do I pick up two extra heartbeats in the room then?" Wanda exclaimed.

Every single one of them turned to her with a confused expression. She slowly walked towards the bed. Standing by (Y/n)'s side, Wanda put a hand on the girl's forehead. However, as soon as she did so, she screamed in horror, scurrying backwards, almost falling if Pietro wasn't fast enough to catch her.

"What did you see, Wanda?" Pietro asked his sister in his hard accent.

"I... I.." she mumbled, fear clearly visible on her features.

Her eyes were widened, staring blankly ahead, she was hyperventilating. Her whole body shook in her brother's arms.

"What did you see?" Tony insisted.

Her eyes quickly found Tony's. "Death." Her voice broke.


"Okay, so (Y/n) is alive?" Steve asked.

After her breakdown, Wanda explained that their friend isn't dead, because she could feel her heartbeat, as well as another one.

"Yes, I told you I felt her heartbeat." Wanda said for the fifth time.

"But you also said that you felt two hearbeats. Where is the other one coming from?" Natasha asked.

"That's even harder to explain." Wanda sighed.

"I'm honestly afraid to ask why." Clint said and everyone glared at him. "Yeah, yeah. Shut up, Clint. Bla bla bla... I got the message." He crossed his arms on his chest.

"We can try to understand." Calvin consoled.

"I felt both hearbeats at once. Inside (Y/n)." Wanda tried to explain. "It was as if they were two different people inside the same body."

"It is two different people in one body. It is the case." Bucky exclaimed.

"I don't follow." Steve said.

"Get in line." Came Clint's voice.

"Guys, there is two people in her mind. Her and the evil person who is trying to kill Tony." Bucky explained.

"But that means there are two hearts inside of her." Bruce furrowed his eyes.

"That's impossible." Tony exclaimed from where he sat. He was now holding his girlfriend's hand, thankful that she was alive.

"No, there is only one. But it is like it is split in two. If Bucky is right. Then the other half belongs to Tony's hunter." Wanda looked at Tony.

"You guys are missing something here." Sam demanded from across the room. "Wanda said she saw death when she looked in (Y/n)'s mind. Can somebody explain?" He asked.

"Yeah, what was that about? You scared the shit out of us." Clint said. "Don't take that literally, we're all grown ups here. Except little Calvin there." He added.

"Can you not shut up?" Sam yelled.

"Why don't you make me?" Clint barked.

A moment passed without anyone moving or saying a word, until the silence was interrupted.

"Sexual tension. Knew it." A voice annouced itself from the bed.

They all turned to see the exact same girl who was unconscious for twenty-four hours, now awake and grinning.

"How can a girl sleep peacefully with you yelling like that, huh?" (Y/n) giggled. She noticed everyone watching her wide-eyed. "Oh I'm sorry, did I step in your moment?"

As those words left her mouth, some other form of life started to extract itself from the girl's body. It was something black. Dark black. When it finally composed itself, his appearance was complete with dark red devil eyes. Eyes that could stare into your soul.

"Death." Wanda claimed, closing her eyes tightly.

Every Avenger in the room got into a fighting stance, ready to defend their friends. Tony quickly called his suit and parts came flying until he was fully suited. He placed himself between the Grim reaper and his girlfriend.

"Guys, chill." (Y/n) tried to reason.

"Don't worry, baby. I got you." Tony remarked.

"I am not Death, nor am I a danger to you." The figure said with a surprisingly calm voice.

"That's the thing." (Y/n) said trying to get up from the bed. When she didn't successfully achieve her goal, she huffed. "Would you please relax, guys?"

"Who are you?" Bucky demanded.

"His name is Aylo. He's my new friend." (Y/n) replied. Which earned her some seriously confused faces. "What is the purpose of your faces?" She asked again.

"Friend?" Steve asked.

"Yes, my friend." (Y/n) repeated. She looked around her, at her camarades. "Am I the only one who's happy that I came back?"

Calvin was the first one to run to his sister and hug her. She giggled as she hugged him back. Natasha and Wanda soon followed as the guys quietly watched and waved at their saved-friend.

"How you like me now?" Aylo exclaimed from where he floated. She could sense a grin.

"Meh." She replied then laughed.

Soon everyone followed her lead and started laughing as well. They were all happy, their friend finally woke up. They thought they would lose her. They thought she was dead. But she found her way back to them. And they knew now, that they would do the same.


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