Iron Legion

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Third Person's POV:

"God dammit, Tony." (Y/n) cursed. "I have to let him know I'm okay or he's gonna kill everybody."

Limping to the still unconscious soldiers, she searched them for some kind of communication device. She finally found on the redhead a walkie talkie. Fiddling with it, she changed the frequency to the one Bruce had told her once. They were now able to hear her.

"Tony, do you copy?" She yelled through the device.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n), is that you? Where are you? I'm coming to get you right now. Just stay calm." Tony's frantic voice replied.

"Tony, listen to me. You stay calm. I'm fine. Seriously, I'm at the front door. I saved myself. Now, please can you come to the front door so you can take me home? I'm very tired... and very hurt." (Y/n) honestly said, thinking of the past days' events.

"WHAT!!?? Hurt? Stay put, baby. I'll be right there." Tony ordered.

"No. That's not what I meant. Dammit." (Y/n) sighed. Then, she turned to look at her friend who was silent for the whole conversation.

She found her looking at her through narrowed eyes. "How did you- what- how- huh?" (F/n) mumbled, pointing to the device at her bestfriend's hands.

"Calvin didn't inherit all the intelligence in the family." The billionaire's girlfriend simply informed. "Let's get out of here, please." She begged clutching her side.

When they opened the front door, they were greeted with a gun and a shield pointed at them. After a couple of seconds of realisation, the Brooklyn boys put down their weapons.

"What a warm welcome, you guys. Thanks." (Y/n) weakly chuckled.

Steve's shocked face was fixed on (F/n). He wasn't expecting her to be here. "How- what are you doing here?"

"She's losing a lot of blood. She needs medical care immediately, or she'll pass out." (F/n) quickly gestured to her bestfriend, clearly ignoring the captain's questions.

"I got her." Bucky declared, picking up (Y/n) bridal style.

Without saying another word, they all rushed to a nearby alley. Steve started to tend to her wounds immediately, while Bucky played 'guard the gate'. First with the bleeding gash, he used the left leg of her pants that had the broken knee, since that also needed to be taken care of it, to put pressure on it.

"Hold that." The blond ordered.

"Any more commands, Mr nurse." (Y/n) replied when her hands replaced Steve's.

"Stop being salty and try not to scream." He said.

"I don't like where this is goin-Aammphh.." She covered her screaming mouth. Steve had put back her knee to its original place. And it hurt. A lot.

"Don't put pressure on your knee for now." Steve again demanded.

(Y/n) let out a deep breath, "Put pressure on that, don't put pressure on this. Will do, Doctor Freedom." She chuckled.

Steve smiled back and when he heard someone land loudly behind him, he knew he should step away for the very impatient billionaire that was worried sick for the safety of his beloved. He was familiar with the feeling. Speaking of that, the blond soldier turned his attention to the exhausted girl on the opposite wall of the alley. She was crouched, and looked battered up as well.

(F/n) tried everything not to meet eyes with the captain. When he was patching up her friend, she got as away as possible and crouched to not be so noticeable. She hid in the darkness of the alley. How she wished the ground could open and take her to hell right at that moment. It was better than seeing the look of betrayal on Steve's face. So she hugged her figure and didn't say a word. That seemed to work, until the playboy decided to appear out of the blue. Of course Steve being the understanding golden boy he always were and will be, got out of the way and let the couple have their moment. However, that's when his eyes fell upon her. And, oh, boy, that's when she felt the butterflies throw a party in her stomach. Like every time he looked at her.

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