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Third Person's POV:

On the way out, Tony secured the way for them with his repulsors. What left of them that is. There was only a hand and a leg left and ironicly they were all left. He shot a few and punched the rest. His power levels were twenty percent. He didn't have enough to fight off the agents and fly them out of there.

His thoughts were interruped by an agent who got dangerously close. He punched Tony square in the face, and the latter lost his balance. It was really powerful compared to a normal person. Which he wasn't. Tony saw the hand that punched him. It was some kind of Metal. Not any metal though. Vibranium. Tony recognised that anywhere.

The agent punched him again in the ribs which made the suit strangely fall apart from him. Tony looked back at the agent wide eyed. He was so screwed. The agent did a repulsive smirk, then re-attached his fist with Tony's bare left side. In that exact moment, his left repulsor fired at his face which sent him flying through the corridor with a fried face.

"Tony, you're bleeding?" (Y/n) suddenly breathed.

He looked at his side and grimaced. There was blood staining the left side of his shirt. He looked at (Y/n) again, and as soon as his eyes stared at her dusty and tired face, he put on a smile.

"It's okay. Don't worry about it." He assured her.

"No. It's not okay. You're hurt." She panicked. "Sit down."

"No, I don't need to sit down. I'm IronMan." He argued.

"Tony." She huffed.

"No." He said firmly.

"Tony." She whispered.

She gave him one of her famous puppy dog eyes that even made (F/n) melt. He glanced at her for one second and he fell in her trap. He sighed and knelt down, his back sliding against the wall. He winced.

"That's gonna hurt later." He chuckled.

"If we ever do get out of here." She whispered.

He looked her in the eye again, but she avoided his. Her hope slowly fading away. He tilted her chin upwards so that she was forced to look at him right in the eyes.

"You are going to get out of here. Even if it costs me my life, do you hear me?" He said.

"No." She yelled, "I am not leaving you here."

He just smiled at her fondly and intertwined their fingers. She sat beside him and laid her head on his shoulder.

"I'll just take five." He breathed.

She didn't say anything, she just snuggled further into his side. He tried to steady his breath as he drew circles on her hand, with his thumb.

"They did things to me, Tony." She mumbled.

The movement on her hand stopped and his head snapped towards her, almost hitting her in the nose.

"What sort of things?" He asked.

She remained silent for a moment, until she let out a sigh.

"They injected a lot of colory stuff in me." She replied.

His expression was pure horror. He wasn't sure what to say, he didn't want to say anything wrong. He waited a few seconds until he spoke again.

"Did it hurt?" The movement against her hand started again.

"A little." She sighed.

His grip tightened and his jaw clenched.

"I'll kill them all over again, if I had the chance." He grumbled.

She kissed his cheek, which made his jaw unclench, but his grip was still tight in her hand. They fell into deep silence and Tony got on his train of thoughts.

I wish I was faster, if I was she would have never been touched. Those bastards, I wish they rot in hell.

(Y/n) let out a giggle interrupting his thoughts. He raised an eyebrow at her.

"Thanks to those things they injected in me, I can read minds." She shrugged.

"You can what?" He gaped.

"I hear people's thoughts." She said, simply.

"I know what mind reading is. It's just- you're bullshitting me, right?" He asked.

She let out of his hand and positioned herself so that she could look at him.

"I can prove it. You just thought of how you regret not being here fast enough for me." She said.

He looked at her wide-eyed. Now she was an enhanced.

"I heard that too." She smirked.

"God, I should stop thinking." He sighed.

"Get off of your butt and get me home to my brother and bestfriend." She stood up giggling.

"The jet I called while we were sitting is already here. Let's go." He said, also standing up.

As they made their way to the jet, (Y/n) suddenly let go of Tony's hand.

"No, I would not let you fly me there just with your suit, Tony." She said, "not in a million years."

"It was worth trying." He chuckled.

-Kiana 🙊

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