Don't look for me

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Third person's POV:

3 days, 5 missed calls, 10 messages, and still nothing.

"I'm worried about her. She never was like this. She usually replied at least through text or something. I mean 10 freaking messages, and not a single word." (Y/n) complained.

"Sounds like someone is clingy as a koala to a tree." Clint chirped.

"No, we're not like that. We can't just stop talking to each other like this." (Y/n) argued.

Everyone was sitting in the living room, except from Sam and Steve who were standing up in the corner. (Y/n) can tell that the latter was probably as worried as her. He stared at the wall behind her, making him look like he was staring right into her soul, which strangely reminded her of a look she had a long time ago. A time when she was captured by HYDRA, she had that same gaze. A gaze of a broken person.

"What if HYDRA got her?" She shrieked.

"Honey, let's not rush into conclusions. Maybe she just lost her phone." Tony tried to calm his girlfriend.

All of them were trying and doing their best to think of a way to calm their friend. It was silent until Natasha broke the tension.

"Steve." She called. The latter snapped his attention and focused on the redhead, so she continued. "you're being suspiciously non verbal."

"Am I the only one, though?" Steve raised an eyebrow, trying to shift the intense gaze from him. Every single one of them was observing his moves and reactions.

"The only one who's supposed to speak but kept quiet, yes." Tony commented.

"Penny for your thoughts." Calvin inquired.

"What are you? Ten?" Clint asked, his body cringing.

"Yeah, on a scale of one to ten." The kid remarked.

"Just a question." Clint shrugged.

"He's been with me since he was ten. Give him a break. Now can we return to what we were talking about earlier, please?" (Y/n) sighed, now looking at Steve for answers.

"When I think about it, you were the last one to see her including me." Tony realized.

"Another reason for you to speak out, Steve." Bucky announced.

Steve let out a breath and started, "when she came to my room that night, she was really sad and stressed. She kept apologizing for god knows what and... um... she told me to always keep in mind that... she loves us all."

"I kind of doubt that last sentence." Clint murmured but of course everyone heard him, and Steve blushed furiously.

"Didn't she say where she's going or why she apologized or anything else?" (Y/n) desperately asked.

Steve just shook and lowered his head. He wished he knew more, to just calm his racing heart and his friend's. But he didn't, and that made his heart hurt more. He didn't know if she was safe or not. Hell, he didn't even know if she was alive. No, (F/n) is smart, she wouldn't get herself in trouble.

A sudden ring broke the silence, indicating that someone had received a message. Hurriedly, everyone got out their phones and checked them. A few seconds later, they had put back their phones in their pockets, all except Steve. He stared at the screen in front of him with an expression of shock mixed with confusion.

"Is that her?" (Y/n) said with a hopeful expression on her face. Steve, still speechless, only nodded.

"Well? What did she say?" Natasha asked, curious at what made the captain so shell-shocked.

"Don't look for me."

"Okay, it's settled then. The girl obviously doesn't want to be found. So let's just leave her alone." Clint commented, when all of them stayed silent.


Night had come and everyone had found something to do to take their minds off of the problem. But not (Y/n), since the message Steve received, she had been sitting in her place, too frozen to move or do anything.

(Y/n) sent so many messages, called so many times. But when her best friend chose to contact them, she didn't even consider replying to her. She chose to ignore her, which hurt even more. (F/n) clearly didn't lose her phone, nor was she dead. She chose not to talk to her. And that messed with (Y/n). Big time.

Moments later, Tony came and sat next to her. First, he was quiet and not sure what to say, afraid to say something wrong that wil trigger his girlfriend's feelings. Then, after he thought carefully, he decided to not even talk about their friend.

"Do you believe in guardian angels?" Tony asked out of the blue.

(Y/n) was confused for a moment but replied nonetheless. "If there is, mine is doing an shitty job."

"At least yours is trying, I think mine is somewhere passed out from drinking vodka straight from the bottle, already forgot that I exist." Tony joked.

"Well, regardless, your loved ones are still around you. Mine are all either dead or alive and don't wanna be with me." She sighed.

"Not true, you have Calvin. Me." Tony replied.

"Calvin is gonna grow up sooner or later and will have to leave me to go after his dreams and future." She said.

"You know, you never told me how your parents di- passed away." Tony noted.

(Y/n) froze for a second, thinking for a proper reply that will get them off the subject. But sadly, there was no way out. She saw the look in Tony's eyes and knew for sure that he won't let it go.

"Why does it matter? They're dead anyway."  (Y/n) sighed.

"It matters to me." Tony's voice broke.

"Obviously, you know everything. Don't push it, Tony." (Y/n) said, now annoyed.

"So it's true? They died where I think they died, right?" Tony asked.

"Yes! It's true !! Is that what you want to hear, my parents died while you were saving the world." She fumed.

For a while, nobody spoke a word. Each one drowning in his own thoughts. (Y/n) shed a few tears. She took a deep breath, drying them away and spoke.

"I'm sorry. I'm just mad at everything." She apologized.

"I understand." Tony simply said. "I have to ask one more thing. Can I?" He asked.

After a sigh, (Y/n) nodded.

"Were you one of those people who blamed us for it?" Tony asked, "and please be honest." He begged.

"Well," (Y/n) started, "I'm not gonna lie to you, at first I was just angry but I didn't have anyone to be angry at so yes, I blamed it on you guys and of course the aliens." She noticed Tony duck his head, "But, as years passed I knew that I has to grow up and stop blaming other people for what happened. My parents wanted to help us and they died saving our lives. It's nobody's fault except for the two aliens who killed them." She interwined her fingers with his and smiled.

"Thank god!!" Tony let out a breath.

"Guys!!" Called Steve's voice, "I think you need to see this." He said giving (Y/n) his phone.

On the screen was a new message from their friend, I need to see you, meet me at the park now.

"This is so confusing."


Greetings, my fellow wattpaders. Just kidding, what's up guys!! Soo, for the first time, the chapter took me three weeks to write. Not that I don't have anything, but my time is a mess. And I had a hard time managing it. But hey, it's up and ready for you to read it, vote and comment on it. So I hope I did a decent job.


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