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Stepping off the plane excitedly I took a breath of the fresh hot air of the island. My dreams of having a peaceful vacation in Hawaii were finally coming true and I couldn't be more excited!

Rolling my carry on behind me I felt arms wrap around my waist kissing my cheek. It was all because of the amazing human being that was currently at my side that I was here. He surprised me on my birthday with tickets and now here we are.

"Dani I'll go get our bags do you think you can go get us a cab?" Grey asked fiddling with the luggage carts. "Yeah, I'll be out side waiting for you okay?" I said leaning down to peck his lips while he returned my affection with his amazing smile.

Gosh he never fails to make me melt.

Grey was all mine and I couldn't believe it. He could have any girl he wanted and he chose me. His long tousled Raven hair, Always showering me with love and affection even though he worked long nights and sometimes didn't come home at all. But I love him and he loved me.

Managing to hail a cab under ten minutes was truly a talent. Well at least that's what I considered it. I noticed grey searching for me in the crowd of people so I stuck my hand into the air as far as it it could go and yelled his name while frantically waving my arm.

He caught my crazy ass self and began walking towards me struggling to get though the crowd.

He's just too cute.

Turned back around to the cab driver opening the back seat door. I was just about to get in when someone slipped in and closed the door. The nerve of people theses days!

"Excuse me sir did you or did you not see me just about to get into this cab?" I said opening the door back up and putting my hand on my hip. Sticking my head into the car I locked eyes with the man sitting inside.

His dark chocolate eyes with a hint of bags beginning to form under them stared back at me. He looked tired and drained. His facial features were similar to greys but much different. The messy jet black hair complimented his porcelain skin perfectly along with his baby face which made him look younger than he probably was. He had big plump lips that were a light shade of pink.

I haven't even realized I was in complete awe until he spoke.

"Can I take it please? I've had a long day and I just want to get to my hotel and rest." He spoke softly. His voice came out raspy and deep.

It's like I was in a trance because I simply nodded while he returned my generosity with small smile. Closing the cab door I stepped back watching the cab drive away from site.

"Wow you just let him take it like that? Your usual crazy ass self would've fought him." Grey said laughing pulling up with the luggage cart beside me. To be completely honest I felt flustered.

No other guy has ever made my heartbeat so fast or make me feel so flustered at first sight.

Not even Grey.


"What's our room number again?"


Following down the long corridor of the hotel I counted each room until we got to ours. Sliding the card key and unlocking the door the first thing that caught my eye was the view.

You could see the beautiful sea blue colors of the ocean and the palm trees swaying from side to side at the rhythm of the wind. It felt so good.

Room 1008 | Dean ♖Where stories live. Discover now