Baby Baby

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"MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!" Bomi yelled wrapping her arms around me while I added ornaments to the tree. She'd invited me over to decorate her house and because she kept complaining about being all alone in such a big house.

Even though she denied it with all her soul I could tell she missed the company of her big brother really bad. The good thing is that he would be flying in from Canada today to visit for five days.

I wasn't going to lie I was excited too.

He kinda grew to be a close friend of mine.

The information I'd learned from the snake a week ago was locked deep in my thoughts. I hadn't told anyone even Bomi in hopes of her not finding out and trying to pull something.

She was still trying to slowly get under my skin by getting closer with Dean.

I'm getting paranoid that I'll walk in on them kissing or something but I know Dean wouldn't do something like that to hurt me.

The supposed trip she had planned for us was the chance to have her away from us with no one to disturb or prevent me from saying anything. 

"DANI GET OFF THAT LADDER RIGHT NOW BEFORE I HURT YOU!" Bomi yelled coming over and placing her hands on opposite sides of the ladder. I loved her and all but sometimes she was like an overprotective mom. I liked that though.

Smiling down at her and rolling my eyes I slowly stepped down to the ground only to have her glaring at me.

"I don't your ass to fall off that ladder okay? If I see you up there again I'm telling Kris." She threatened putting her hands on her hips.

"Yes mom." I replied she smiled grabbing a hair tie from my wrist and proceeding to put up her chestnut colored hair with ombré tips. My mom was always slaying with her looks. Let's just say Crush was a lucky lucky man.

"So are you gonna surprise Dean with your news today?" She asked smirking at me me while moving a few presents under the tree.

"Yeah but I think I'm going to tell him with just the two of us. I have a little surprise for him when he gets home." I wanted him to relax since he'd been working so hard and was finally done with his projects.

"Awww I need you to tell me everything when it's over okay?" She said getting excited.

After about an hour or two of decorating the place and making a few sweets we headed out to Incheon  airport to pick her brother up.

She blasted kpop songs all the way there such as BTS, Infinite, Secret, and Seventeen. I wasn't going to lie but I was lowkey a carat. I'd had a small crush on Wonwoo during Mansae era up until now. He was only a few months older than me. Man he was just so handsome.

But let's not tell Dean about that.

Grabbing our parking ticket we headed inside to wait for the arrived flights. This place was so full of people left and right and I can honestly say I hated crowds. Well I mean I hate people in general but I mean that's life.




Fans screamed at a crowd of pretty boys with sunglasses covering what I assumed were tired eyes as they tried to make their way down the sea of screaming girls.

I was internally screaming when Wonwoo caught my eye. He had a small smile on his face as he waved to as many fans as he could. Such a cutie. Omg I need to stop.

"Dani what are you doing go get a picture of your Manz. Now is your chance!" She said ushering me to the big crowd.

"No no it fine I-"

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