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"The ceremony is three weeks away." Bomi tried breaking the raising tension in the room which everyone could most likely feel. We were all gathered in the living room with a perky oblivious crush, a very angry dean, a petty Kris, and a nervous Bomi.

Oh boy.

"I got you this at the market." Kris handed me a bracelet with various blue colored beads with a star fish in the center that had a blue stone in the center.

"It's so pretty! But how'd you know my birthstone color was blue?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow.

"Smart guess." He shrugged smiling.

Opening up the clasp, I placed the bracelet in my wrist and closed the clasp. It molded perfectly with my wrist.

"Thanks giraffe."

"Anytime koala." He winked.

Peaking over at Dean I could tell his was overly annoyed and wasn't having it. He could explode any second. So I did what came to my mind first and grabbed his hand taking him out of the room.

"Come on Dean I wanna show you something." I laced my fingers with his without realizing it and too him out to the porch. Before heading out I grabbed a chess board so we had something to do instead of awkwardly sitting out there.

Looking down I was late to realize that we were holding hands. I began to panic a little so I let go quickly and turned facing away from him as soon we were outside.

He must've realized my change in attitude since he spoke up.

"Hey Dani." he said taking the chess board away from me. Setting up on a small wooden table he placed two chairs in front of it forcing us to face each other.


"If I win you have to grant me one wish deal?"

I thought for a few seconds deciding weather or not I wanted to join in on this dangerous game of his.


Who knows what I just got myself into.

"Checkmate." He declared. I can't believe I lost.

What was even life??

"Now about that wish-"

"It's not anything weird right?" I asked cautiously, placing the chess pieces back into its box.

"No it's not weird you idiot." Grabbing me by the wrist he stood up making me stand up as well.

"What are you doing?" Dean slowly laced his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. I could feel his body warmth radiating onto me making my stomach full with butterflies.

"I want a kiss from your lips." He whispered into my ear.

My whole body got goosebumps making me stay completely still.

Those plump pink lips were now on mine taking my head to another universe. I'd been craving for his touch for so long I'd forgotten what it felt like. The electricity flowing through my body was unexplainable. His hands entangled in my hair along with his curious lips roaming from my lips to my neck softly planting kisses made me feel like I was melting.

I loved him so much. I didn't care that he didn't feel the same way I just wanted his touch even if it was just once.

"Thanks for those seven minutes in heaven Dani." He said pulling away, winking, and walking away.

I hated myself so catching feelings for a guy like him but what can you do? You can't tell your heart who to love.

|Dean Pov|

Pulling away from the kiss I went back to my douche bag self and walked away leaving her there dumbfounded.

I thought just one long kiss would take away my longing for her but man do I want her even more now.

You're such a fucking idiot Dean my conscious boomed.

Walking towards the house I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. I'll be damned if Kris tries to make a move on her again. He won't see the light of day again.

"Hey man where were you?" Crush came towards me holding a bag of chips and a can of coke.

"Oh I was just out here playing a game of chess with Dani."

"So you're not being a douche to her anymore?"

"What?" I got lost in thought thinking about her sweet lips. You could practically say I was whipped.

"You kissed didn't you?" This dumbass was smirking at me.

"Stop assuming Shit and got take a nap or something."

"Nah I know that face. That's your 'I'm horny' face or your 'I can't stop thinking about her' face and right now I'm guessing it's both." He said popping a chip in his mouth along with a sip of coke.

"I hate you."

He walked back inside laughing like the idiot he is.

"Man this coke tastes good." Crush yelled back.

I need to get a new best friend.

|Dani Pov|

"You hungry?"

Kris was the best. He knew how to cheer people up with his specialty.


"I made some mac and cheese just for you and it's none of that store bought crap fam." The hot plate of mac and cheese smelled delicious. The aroma danced in your nostrils welcoming the cheesy goodness.

"Man this smells amazing and I haven't even tasted it yet." I took a big bite making sure to savor every bit.

"So what's up? Who hurt my koalas feelings?" Kris asked serving himself some mac and cheese.

I stayed quiet for a bit playing with my mac.

"So you're not gonna tell me? I'll get your food."

"It's nothing don't worry about it."

"Come on Dani you know you can tell me anything I promise I won't say any-"

"Dean kissed me." Kris dropped his fork staying still for a few seconds.

"He did what?" His tone was a much more serious and scary. Something you don't hear everyday coming from a bubbly guy like him.

"I'm not even sure why he did it. He's never even treated me like he loves me." At this point I paused because word vomit was happening and I should just keep this to myself.

"Maybe he's just messing with you Dani. He doesn't care about you. Has he even showed you any affection on these past few days on this trip?This trip was for you two."

He's right.

He didn't care about me. I'm probably just a toy he likes to bring out and play with whenever he's bored.

"I can treat you better."

Did I hear correctly?


"I can be better to you." Grabbing my hand he placed it in his looking into my eyes.

"Don't marry him and be with me Dani. I can be such a better man to you then he'll ever be. I'll always make sure you always feel loved and safe with me. You'll never have to doubt my feelings for you."

"I can't Kris. You're a really great person but I just can't."

"And why is that?"

It's time he knew why were getting married in the first place. I don't like keeping secrets from people I care about.

"Because Kris. Because I'm with child....and Dean is the father."

Hello fellow humans. I'm really sorry for the wait on this chapter. I just got a new job plus school...ooh man sometimes I feel like wanting to sleep and never wake up. But here it is and I hope you like it :)))))💕

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