Epilogue - One Last Time

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"Nah pick something else. Something that will make his jaw drop to the ground. Something that'll make him say 'damn that's all mine'." This had been the sixth outfit Bomi had denied and to be honest I still think the second one was the cutest.

We were just going to my boyfriend's concert so what was the big deal anyway?

Dean had been acting a bit weird these past few days. It all started when he caught me looking at engagement rings when we out to the mall together. I kept that small thought in the back of my head but there was no way. He was way to busy now a days.

I was just admiring them that's all.

He'd usually ask me to watch over him from backstage so I'd be the first person he'd see once the show was over but, today he asked to stand in the crowd with everyone else.

Since we split up three years ago, our relationship started off a bit rocky but we got over that after a few months. Our late night calls and messaging back and forth always put a smile on my face. For our first anniversary he went all out and tried to recreate our first date minus the paparazzi and disaster at the end haha.

As far and everyone and the paparazzi knew we were still 'married' and happily in love. The latter was not all that true until about six months into our growing relationship. We bloomed our flower in the beginning but it died. A little care, water, and some light and eventually it revived and bloomed again with time and patience.

"Bomi I'm just going to pick something alright I'm tired and hangry so I want to go now." I whined walking back into the dressing room. My decision consisted of a white spaghetti strapped crop top, a grey cardigan, and a black circle skirt. My black combat platforms would go with it so I just grabbed my clothes and proceeded to the cash register.

"You know for someone who sucks at dressing themselves you picked a really cute outfit." Bomi commented looking over my shoulder as my clothes were folded and put into a white paper bag.

"Oh shush will you." I said smacking her playfully on the top of her head with my wallet laughing at her comment. She rubbed her head making an angry face at me.

Grabbing my receipt and bag I laced my arm with Bomi's and dragged her straight to the food court where heaven awaited me.

"Ready what do you wanna eat 1! 2! 3!"

"Burgers!" I said happily since I had been craving them.

"Burritos!" Bomi said.

We both paused looking at each other wide eyed.

"Woah Bomi I guess we're not best friends after all." I joked placing a hand over my chest while walking over to a table.

"Oh stop being such a drama queen. That's my job." She said rolling her eyes taking a seat next to me while I just laughed my ass off.

"So how's Kris doing?" I asked taking a bite of my oh so delicious burger. Bomi decided on getting a burrito and after we ordered we came back to our seats and indulging in a conversation.

"He's living the dream if I do say so myself. He's in Paris right now filming for that new movie." Three years ago Kris had asked me if I wanted to get away from this place. I had agreed with him and made all the arrangements to fly over to Canada for about three months. After the ugly kidnapping and almost have died, I reconciled with Dean but still flew over.

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