Gaurdian Angel

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Kris POV

"Hello?" I heard sounds of car tires swerving and a sudden crash before the line went dead on the other end. My mind wasn't in the right place as I was already in my car riding full speed ahed no giving two fûcks about the posted speed limit.

"DANI HELLO ARE YOU THERE?" I hopelessly yelled at my phone even though deep down I knew I wouldn't get a reply.

Being a model I had a few connections here and there so I called up a favor at the police station and they tracked her location down for me and sent an ambulance and officer down to the scene.

They were about an hour away in a route not often taken.

Pulling up closer I saw their car upside down plunged into a tree as the gas quickly dripped down ready to explode any minute.

Slapping my seat belt off I ran over narrowing my eyes and the scene. Before I could get any closer I noticed two people dressed in all black dragging what looked like Dani out of the car.

"Okay you got want you wanted now can we leave?" The girl said hoping out of her car and helping the guy drag her to her car.

There was another car there too but the whole front part was the only thing damaged. The guy seemed like he had a gash on his head but was still standing strong.

"Help me put her in the backseat Irene." The other commanded. Dani was in such a bad state and here they were dragging her on the concrete like some object?


That name sounded familiar so familiar that it instantly clicked. It was the hoe of a publicist Dean trusted so much.

"So where are you gonna take her?" The stupid red head asked.

"Probably somewhere on this island but first I'll get her to the hospital and then I can have my fun with her." The guy sickly laughed slamming the back door laughed.

"HEY YOU DIRTY HEADASSES!" I yelled running over to them. One of them started to run away leaving only one of them to face.

"Who the hell are yo-" before he could even say anything I punched him square in the face knocking him unconscious on the pavement.

Looking over at the wreck I noticed Dean still in the car so I ran over trying my best to get him out without causing anymore damage then what had already been done.

I dragged him over far over to my car and sat him up as the car that was punched into the tree exploded into violent flames. Shortly after that an ambulance, firefighters, and a few police officers were at the scene taking the both of them into ambulance to the nearest hospital.

That idiot Grey was taken into police custody and got dragged away with handcuffs on and his head hung low.

"We had to take the girl to a different hospital since she's in critical condition and Severance Hospital is the best there is in Seoul. They'll take good care of her there." My friend, Woojin said placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks man. Make sure to catch the other piece of trash that was with him. I won't sit still till they're both in jail." I said with rage. My firsts were both clenched at my side.

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