Me and You

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"Who's the dad?"

Was he serious right now?

"Are you really asking me that? You know you're the only one I've ever been with." I looked down in an attempt to hide my forming tears.

"You were my first." I whispered. There was a drop on my hand and more kept falling. Now I had no idea how I felt right now. I felt a wave of anger, sadness, and regret.

"My bad I'm just-" letting out a sigh he probably didn't realize he was holding, he sat on the edge of the bet running his fingers through his dark locks. Placing his head in his hands he took a deep breath before looking back up me.

"Were you even planing on telling me Dani? By the looks of it you clearly didn't." He said looking at me with his chocolate orbs which now contained nothing but anger. "You're so selfish."

"No, I wasn't since I never thought I'd see you again and even if I wanted to I didn't even know how to contact you!" My head was spinning. Guess I had a headache coming my way. This whole situation was making me feel way more out of it than before.

"But you fuçking knew who I was! You could've easily contacted me and you could've told me!" The whispers now turned into loud yelling.

"What was the point anyway?! It's not like you care anyway! Plus you've got your image and career to take care of. I'm not and shouldn't be of your concern." I wiped the tears still falling with the back of my hand.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO JUDGE MY DECISIONS AND MY MIND?! OF COURSE I CARE ! YOU'RE CARRYING MY BLOOD FOR FÛCKS SAKE!" He stood up suddenly and paced around the room a few times before turning back to look at me. "Let's go." Coming closer to me he grabbed me by the wrist along with my bag and dragged me out the hospital.

"Wait the bill!" I called out to him. "I already took care of it." He said still pulling me forward. We walked a few blocks along the night streets of Seoul before we came to a stop in front of a tall apartment building. 

Woah! This whole building could swallow mine in a bite! I thought admiring the tall building.

Going up to the fifth floor, he unlocked he door pushing the door wide enough to let me step inside behind him. Looking around I noticed the paintings on the sandstone colored walls and a few plants the decorated his house. It complimented the dark furniture. Walking into the living room I notice a tall black bookshelf that was loaded with albums and records. Next to it he had a record player on top of a small stand. I ran my fingers along the spines of the albums till I heard Deans voice bring me back to earth.

"It's my collection over the years. Do you like it?" he asked taking his coat off and tossing it aside leaving him in his vetements grey long sleeve shirt.

"Yeah it's nice." I smiled. He returned my smile by ignoring me before walking over to the kitchen. I looked around a bit more and decided to take a seat on the couch. Grabbing a pillow I hugged it against my chest letting out a deep breath.

Why was I even here? He gave me no explanation as to why he dragged me all the way to his house. Might as well just call it a day and go home.

I stood up neatly placing the pillow back down and made my way over to the kitchen. Approaching the kitchen I heard sounds of a spoon moving against a pan. There he stood wearing a pink bunny apron. I couldn't help but laugh at how cute he looked.

"What you making princess?" I said trying to contain my laugh. Placing the pan down abruptly he turned and looked at me. A small tint of pink stared to form at his cheeks before he fumbled with the apron and throwing it aside.

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