Speak up or Lose

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"This one it's perfect!" The wedding planner happily jumped up and down. Ever since that day back at the company the president started wedding preparations. He said it'd be a small wedding with only our family and closest friends.

Since then I'd spend week after week with this wedding planner running around like crazy.

Boy these past three months had been crazy. I'd already started to show a bit so they wanted us married as soon as possible.

"Dani please say something. Do you like it?" Bomi, the wedding planner asked. I looked up and stared at the person in the mirror. Dull eyes which were once full of hope and happiness were long gone. Not even I recognized who I was.

"This one is fine." I said giving her my best fake smile. At this point I didn't care about the wedding anymore. Bomi just showed me things and made me pick between two. I'd figured what's the use of picking out a gorgeous dress if the groom wouldn't even be smiling at me when I walked down the isle.

News of Dean got out quickly as instructed by the CEO. As soon as it hit the Internet his fans rushed to congratulate him. Most of them were a bit sad he was in a secret relationship but still felt happy that he was happy. Then a few others were completely upset calling me names and what not.

I'd received a few threats but I just kept them to myself. As a result I only went from work to my house and only went out when Bomi wanted to discuss the wedding preparations.

"We'll take this one then!" She chirped. "Gosh it looks so nice on you!" Bomi fixed my dress a bit before taking a step back and admiring me.

 "Gosh it looks so nice on you!" Bomi fixed my dress a bit before taking a step back and admiring me

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"Can I go ahed and change?" I asked her turning around and looking down at her from the pedestal. "Yeah sure! Hand me the dress once you're done and we'll go ahed an pay for it."

"Wanna get some ice cream Dani?" Bomi asked. We'd paid for the dress and headed out. The dress would be delivered to the chapel on the date of the ceremony.

"No um that's okay I'm actually a bit tired but thank you anyway." That's the first time I'd ever rejected ice cream. Guess I really wasn't feeling it.

"You've been looking really down lately and one cup won't hurt right? I'm sure your little peanut wouldn't mind a nice sweet treat." She said grabbing my hand.  Bomi was such an amazing person. She was always happy and smiling cracking cheesy puns here and there. So I agreed and flashed her a small smile.

"Aw well that's the first time I've seen a genuine smile from you."

"How'd you know th-"

"Were fake? You can't just fake being happy Dani. Anybody could look into your eyes and tell that you're upset." We entered the ice cream shop and ordered our sweet treats.

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