Putting up a Facade

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Dani POV

"That bitch!" Bomi screamed slamming her fist done onto the table.

I immediately shushed her since we were getting looks from everyone in the cafe. Bomi had finally come back from Canada after two cruel and lonely weeks. Man did I seriously miss her.

She told me about her adventures with her mom and brother. How she lowkey hated it cause it was cold as fûck during the night and she had to hide in piles of blankets.

Now Kris on the other hand decided to stay for three more months. She kept saying how he wanted to be with their mom a bit longer and because he had a few modeling jobs that his agency had scheduled for him while he was there.

I kept thinking it was because he wanted to be away from here for a while but maybe I was just being selfish.

I wouldn't be seeing it hearing of him till Febuary I guess.

"Don't shush me Dani we have to get the red headed troll out before she does some demonic shît!" I felt so embarrassed I gave palmed myself.

"She obviously doesn't have good intentions and why come back now when you two just got married. Oh hell nah she about to get her ass dragged if she tries something." She said rolling up the sleeves of her knitted sweater.  Bomi was such a sweet and caring person but when she gets upset you best believe you hide or else it'll be like you never existed.

"No Bomi I don't want to cause Dean any kind of trouble. He trusts her and so does the company do they must've done their research right don't you think." Picking up my cup of capuchino I took a long sip letting the warm contents rush down my throat.

"Gosh Dani you're too nice I swear." She said rolling her eyes. "But I'm telling you if she tries anything she's gonna have to catch these hands."

"Okay Okay calm down now missy." I chuckled at how protective she was over me.

"Now tell me about you and crush." I said letting a small smirk work its way up to my face. She was visibly flustered as she almost chocked on her americano.

Talking about being shook.

"Come on tell meeee! I already know minor details and I know that you two kissed." Bomi smiled looking down as she tucked a loose strand behind her ear.

"It all started two weeks after you guys left. I went into the company to give some wedding paper work to them since they were taking care of wedding expenses. Well walking out I bumped into Crush and he took me out to dinner and then a movie and well.....we kissed after he dropped me off at home." It was like some cute teenager was sitting in front of me and not a twenty two year old.

"I shipped it from the beginning and it has sailed." I cried clasping my hands together in joy.

"Oh hush now have you been going to your regular doctor check ups?"

"Yeah I've been going every month." She smiled placing her hand on my tummy feeling my little peanut kick a bit. Bomi and I talked for about four hours in the cafe before she drove me back to the company so I could finish up some things.

Bomi wanted to go in with me to meet 'the red headed troll'. Yep that was our nickname for her now.

Making a few twists and turns I arrived to my vanity so I could clean up the make up I'd left out. Bomi helped me move of few boxes of supplies the other stylists needed so I offered to help out.

Bomi kept whining but we eventually got the job done. She wanted to see Dean before leaving since the last she saw of him was before we left for our honeymoon.

That was a lie though.

"Can we stop by his studio and say hi?"

"Sure I'm sure Crush might also be there so why not!" I teased leading the way.

"Ugh what are you talking about silly!" She laughed gently smacking my arm.

We were both giggling when I opened the door to Dean's studio only to be greeted with none other than Irene.

"Oh well it looks like you've got....guests." She said looking at me up and down before smiling. I head Bomi scoff behind me.

She was sitting down on his leather sofa while he was sitting in his desk chair with a small smile on his face.

"I was just about to leave so if you'll excuse me." Irene stood up making her way over to the door before stopping before me.

"Oh and who might this be?" She said with such a sick cheery tone. Gosh I wanted to vomit.

"Bomi Wu it's a pleasure." Bomi said sticking her hand out while Irene shook it.

"Pleasure is all mine Bomi I'm Irene by the way Dean's publicist. I'll look forward to seeing you around." She said before walking away.

"Seeing you around my ass. I'd rather pop my eyes out." I heard Bomi say to herself once she was out of sight. That put a small smile on my face.

"Hey Dani." Dean greeted me standing up and engulfing me in a hug. Turning his head to the side he noticed Bomi and gave her a hug as well.

"Why was she here? You never let anyone in here." I said a bit disappointed.

"She wanted to discuss a few things on how to promote me better and some other things. She might be here a few times since she's got a whole plan figured out apparently " He explained happily.

Deep down in my heart I really didn't like her but what can I do this is his job and she's doing hers and I shouldn't be that crazy bitch who gets all worked up for nothing.

"Okay um we'll get going now and work hard hun I'll see you at home." I said quickly before closing the door. I heard him say something back but I couldn't quite catch it.

"You're upset aren't you?" Bomi asked wrapping her arms around my shoulder.

"Nah I just feel a little tired that's all."

"Okay sure. How about we go to my house and bake some stuff so you can eat your ass off." She said leading me out the company doors.

"Why not?" I agreed letting a small smiled take over my face.

As I was leaving I could feel someone's cold stare on me. It felt so vile and cold. Almost as if trouble was brewing near.

Yet i didn't bother to acknowledge it walking away with Bomi.

Y'all are gonna hate me for what happens next I'm just saying lol

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