Mouse in the Trap

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Christmas was only three weeks away and I was already planing a small surprise for Dean. Him and I had been so happy together even though lately I hadn't seen much of him due to him working hard in producing tracks for artists and working on his own soon to be single album.

He was getting the recognition he deserved and that made me happy.

Irene and him had been working together to figure out how they were going to promote the song and get him certain interviews.

She'd tried to get closer to me by bringing me little gifts here and there such as food or just small favors she's do for me.

I wasn't going to lie she was kind of growing on me.

Irene wasn't so bad after all I guess even though Bomi still didn't like her neither did Crush.

Yet here I was in the mall shopping around for clothes and talking as if we were old pals who knew each other since forever. I still had that thought in the back of my head that I'd seen her somewhere before.

But where..?

"This ones cute one you!" She happily cheered admiring me in this black loose backless princess dress. I stood in the doorway of the dressing room since she pushed me in here insisting I try this on.

"You know what you and Dean should go on a little trip away from here. He's been working too hard and you've been deprived of each other." She smiled turning around to go pick more clothes I'm assuming.

"What?" What was all of this about all of a sudden?

"Yeah I was going to surprise the both of you later today but I got too excited! That's why I took you shopping today." She said looking thorough racks of clothes.

"Oh really? It's fine really I mean that's who Dean is he's a really hard worker who loves his fans." I said proceeding to strip off the dress I had tried on. Opening the door I took the dress in my hand deciding I liked it.

"No now really he deserves a little break by getting away for a few days. I already prepared everything for you two anyways." Irene said so casually.

Well I man he really had been cooped up in that studio of his going at it like a trooper he is.

"I'm sure Dean would appreciate the small gesture Irene. Thank you." I said smiling back as I slung the dress I'd tried on on my arm.

"No problem Dani. Now we just have to find a way to surprise Dean."

We decided she'd just give it to him as a Christmas gift since it was only a week away.

I'd decided to go with some frank ocean CD's since Dean really loved and cherished his music.

Bomi told me Kris was coming in from Canada for Christmas and that I should come over when he does so when can catch up.

Every now and then when Dean would come home we wouldn't even talk since he'd go straight to bed. I still kept up with his meals and prepared them for him so he'd stay healthy.

Meanwhile Bomi, Irene, and I all hung out together and got closer. On the other hand Bomi just took steps backwards with her claiming she was shady and was not okay with her.

I insisted she gave her a chance and she was. Hopefully she'd come around.

"So instead why don't we have the big Christmas party like at a hotel or something instead of the company? It'd be a great celebration just between everyone here!" Irene announced clasping her hands together.

I just sat in the back with Dean and Crush eating away at a bag of chips as Crush occasionally slipped his hand inside my chip bag stealing my food.

"That's fine you can organize it and let me know with what you come up with." The CEO said getting up from his chair and walking away.

Dean and I looked at each other reading our minds. She was really changing things up around her as if she was a second head boss. Things were getting a bit better though.

"I feel like I haven't seen you're face in ages." Dean said stepping closer to me and enveloping his arms around my waist. He placed his large palm on my growing tummy gently rubbing it.

"And how's my little peanut doing in there huh?" The little peanut responded by giving a little kick out.

I couldn't help but smile at my adorable husbands reaction.

"Omg did it just kick? DANI OUR BABY JIST KICKED!!!" He said happily with a wide grin. He hugged me tight placing kisses all over my face.

"Yeah it did and it's not the first time." I quietly said.

"What? Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He's asked his mood slightly.

"Well you'd been so busy lately working non stop to make deadlines and I didn't want to stop you from achieving them." I explained playing with my fingers. It'd become a habit now and there was not use of getting rid of it.

"I understand that but this is my baby too Dani. I want to be there for the little things too okay? No matter what it is don't be afraid to tell me okay? I love don't forget that." He smiled cupping my cheeks and placing a loving kiss on my forehead. 

"Hey Dani mind if I steal your Prince Charming away from you for a few minutes?" I heard someone say. Turning to look next to me I spotted Irene with some files in her hand.

"Uh I'm yeah I guess." Before I could even reply they were both already walking away talking about some the release date of his single.

Dean turned around quickly waving at me giving me a smile puppy smile.

I smiled back but lately why did it feel like we were so distant with each other.

It felt almost as if he was slipping through my fingers...

Not much of an interesting chapter. I'm sorry >< butttt it's picking up the pace slowly don't worry :)

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