Back to Square One

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My eyes fluttered open and came in contact with the sun shining through the windows. I stretched my arms out and rubbed my eyes. That's when I realized I wasn't in my own bed.

Where am I?

Staring into space I began remembering the events of last night. How Dean had dragged me to his house, made me dinner and then we ended up have a deep conversation.

Throwing the covers aside I stood up but was interrupted by a horrible smell.

It smelled terrible and gave me a huge urge to throw up.

I opened the bedroom door and stepped out into the hall and made my way to the kitchen. Dean was looking through his fridge pulling out ingredients for what looked like breakfast.

"What's that horrible smell?" I said gripping my nose trying to block the smell out.

"What are you talking about I'm making breakfast and that's what you say?" He questioned stirring some eggs.

"No it's just that something in here is making me nauseous." Walking closer I managed to catch a glimpse of two plates next to him with eggs, toast and waffles. 

"Taste these eggs for me. Do they need more salt?" He asked holding up a spoonful of eggs. I opened my mouth to invite them in but as soon as I caught a whiff of them I was in the bathroom throwing up last nights dinner.

"Hey you okay?" Turning my head I noticed Dean kneeling beside me patting my back.

"They can't taste that bad right?" He still had the damń spoon full of eggs with him except now they were in his mouth. Munching a bit he turned his head side to side before he made a face and threw up himself.

Now we were both sitting on the bathroom floor feeling tired.

"What the hell? I'm not the pregnant one here!" He yelled pointing his wooden spoon at me.

"It's morning sickness idiot. It happens to guys too." I weakly explained. Yeah I had done my research well.

"I'm gonna go throw out those eggs then." He sighed standing up but I cleared my throat before he could leave.

"What?" He asked turning around. I held my hands up asking him to pull me up. The boy just stood there looking at me till he gave in and pulled me up.

It's like my clumsiness liked to come and go because in this moment I slipped forward making Dean pull me closer catching me in his arms. We were so close to each other with our faces only centimeters apart.

My face felt hot since I started having flashbacks of last nights conversation.

I quickly came back to reality since he gave me a gentle shove, turning away into the hall.

"Get cleaned up and come eat." He called back.

We ate in silence with him not even bothering to look at me.

"Oh my God!" I chirped hurriedly slamming my fork onto the table. I was so caught up in this little world with the two of us I didn't even realize I'd be late for work!

"What is it." He asked taking a last bite of his toast.


"I don't have anything scheduled for today so relax." He interrupted me, calm as ever, assuring me it was fine. I hate panicking because it just makes things worse.

Settling back down onto my chair I stared down at my empty plate contemplating if I should speak my mind or not.

"Hey Dean."

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