Wedding Bells

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Yes it was all fake anyway so why not give them the show they want.

I wrapped my arms around Dean's neck pulling him closer to me. My fingers ran through his soft jet black hair. While doing so I made sure to flash the engagement ring so the reporters could get a good look and write their ugly articles.



Shouted the reports left and right. We kept the kissing going hot till I placed both my hands on his chest giving him a bit of a push.

"Not here honey there too many people." I said loud enough so they could hear. Dean had such a confused face right now.

"I need to use the restroom so i'll be right back." I said getting on my tippy toes and pressing a small peck on Deans cheek.

I walked away felling furious.

I'll be right back my ass.

My head tilted from side to side looking for the nearest bus that could get me back home to Kris and Bomi.

Sitting on the waiting bench I realized I still had Dean's cardigan.

A few minutes passed and the bus showed up. Walking in, I slid my bus pass on the scan making my way over the back to have a seat. Looking out the window I saw a frantic Dean looking from side to side.

Was he looking for me?

Who cares he deserves it.

Just as the bus was about to take off we locked eyes and he began to run towards the now moving bus. Was it bad I didn't feel the least bit guilty for leaving him alone?

The bus stopped around the corner of my home.

I had to knock on the door since my stuff was back at the company and I only managed to bring my bus pass.

Kris's face greeted me and I didn't wait any longer to go in for a hug.

"Dani what's wrong?" He asked running his hand up and down my back trying to calm me down. I for some stupid reason began to let the unknown tears I had been holding on to go.

Pulling me inside, Kris closed the wooden door and led me over to the couch to sit. He was watching a movie with a few snacks scattered all over the coffee table. 

"What happened? Why are you crying?" He lifted his hand up to my check wiping a tear away.

"D-dean took m-me on a date and p-paparazzi.." I said between sobs.

"So they ruined your date with him?"

"No it was all fake. The only reason he took out me and made me feel safe was for the cameras." Kris let out a big sigh before pulling me in for another hug.

"It'll be okay Dani."

Suddenly the front door flew open making Kris hold me tighter in instinct. Furious and heavy footsteps where heard before my body was pulled against another.

"Let me go I don't want to see you or be anywhere near you right now." Dean now had me by my wrist with him on my left and Kris holding onto Deans hand on my right.

"I just wanna talk to you."

"Don't you get it she doesn't want to see you at the moment. Come back another day and stop being such an ass." Kris said taking a fist full of Dean's shirt.

Dean exploded making his fist come into contact onto Kris's face sending him flying to the floor. He pulled me by the wrist to the back door till we were outside in the yard. I snatched my hand out of his hold before he could pull me further.

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