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"I-Irene." I managed to barely croak out. The feeling in my throats felt like a dry dessert without an ounce of water.

"Aww do you want some water hun?" She asked grabbing a cup with a straw and holding up to my lips pressed shut. She tried shoving the straw in but I didn't budge. Her smile faltered and it turned into an angry one as she threw the cup behind her making it clash with the wall.

"Why are you here?" She lifted her hand and pushed my hair behind my shoulders.

"Dani Dear I'm just here to give you a message. Dean will be mine again even if you have to be out of the picture. This stupid accident was planned by yours truly and someone who hated you as much as I do. " I squinted my eyes at her not believing the bull crap coming out of her mouth.

"Grey wanted some type of revenge for basically ruining his so what career not like he even really had one." She laughed flipping her red hair behind her. Now that I looked at her closely she was dressed in all black with a black cap covering the top of her head.

"What do you mean ruining his career? He's the one who broke my heart and trust. I have no idea what you're talking about."

"I don't know he mentioned something about someone leaking pictures of him being seen with different girls coming out of his apartment every night. He assumed it was you since it happened a few months after. He's crazy I don't know." Irene paced around the room back and forth making feel nervous by the minute.

"Anyway, apparently you won't be a mother anymore since those things are dead." She laughed pointing at me.

"Sad now isn't it." I started blinking fast trying my best not to cry. Deep in the back of my mind I hoped they were alive and safe even though they were premature.

I was more than wrong.

"Stop....please." I pleaded my voice coming out barely audible.

"Aww am I hurting your feelings honey? Well guess what. My feelings are hurt too and I want to get even. How about you do us all a favor and just die Dani Song." She came charging at me with a pillow coving my face with full force cutting my air supply off slowly.

I grabbed her wrists trying my best to fight her off but i was still too weak.

"LET HER GO!" I heard a stern voice come from the door of my room. The bitch was pulled off of me and was sent full force into a near by wall. Slowly my breath came back to me letting my eyes focus on the four who had come to my rescue.




And someone who was a constant light in my dreams...


"Dean, don't forget to tell her about our very intense night a few weeks ago." I heard her sickly say before immediately taking her leave.

"Hurry up and call the cops and security before she gets far." Kris commanded to Crush who was now taking his phone out and dialing away. Kris and Bomi ran after Irene in hopes of trying to hold her back. Crush I figured left since he wanted Dean and I to get some catching up.

Dean turned his head towards me and our eyes met. I'd missed those dark orbs so much I didn't realize I'd begun crying. His long locks were now gone and replaced by a short hair style. He'd gotten a visible tattoo on his neck too.

"Hi." He said slowly taking steps towards me and sitting on the edge of the bed. Dean carefully lifted his hand up and wiped the few tears away. I just smiled at him feeling speechless.

"It's okay baby. I'm here. I missed you." I took in his facial features trying to recall how handsome he was. Distress and sleepless nights were visibly noticeable. Without thinking I reached out and placed my hand on his cheek caressing his face gently.

We just sat there in silence for a few minutes only speaking everything we wanted to say with our eyes.

"I missed you too." I managed to croak out. My voice was still a bit hoarse. Dean picked up my water pitcher and placed the straw close to my lips so I could have a sip a water.

Looking at him I remembered our little bundles of joy who never got a chance to meet the outside world. Just remembering how excited Dean was to be a dad and how we dedicated a while late night just talking about what kind of parents we'd be made me burst into tears again.

"D-dean I-m sorry I l-lost them." I hiccuped between each cry. He simply came closer and pulled me into his strong arms soothing my back.

"Shhh it wasn't your fault Dani okay? I guess they just weren't destined to meet us. I'm sure they'll be watching over us from above. We'll be okay I promise baby." He softy said comforting me while placing a soft kiss on my cheek.

"I love you and I don't like seeing you sad. You were given a second chance so we could have all the babies you want okay?" My heart felt at ease with just hearing his voice and knowing we were alive. On the other hand deep inside I couldn't help but hear the words Irene said before escaping.

"Don't forget to tell her about our very intense night a few weeks ago~"

I was scared to ask but I had to know.

"Dean." I said making him break the hug and bring his attention to me.

"Why um why did Irene say that?" His face got pale at my words. My heart started to beat faster afraid at what he was going to say.

"Dani.." He went silent letting out a small sigh as if he was frustratedly trying to find the correct words to say.

"It was just one night I-I don't know what hap-"

"You slept with her?" I heard the heart monitor start picking up the pace indicating my heart was beating faster.

"Hear me out I just-" At this point I didn't want him near me anymore. I just couldn't believe he'd betrayed me like this. I was basically dead for almost two weeks and he just goes off into her arms.

"Please leave Dean I can't." Being the overemotional person I was I was uncontrollably crying and sobbing like no other.

Doctors and Nurses ran into the room trying to calm me down. Dean was lost in the crowd slowly backing away while whispering 'sorry' over and over again.

Why did life like treating me like crap? First my crazy ex cheated on me and tried killing me, my babies lose their life in the process, and now the love of my life has betrayed me love and trust. I just don't want to feel anything. 

"Grab the tranquilizer."

I want to feel numb and have silence again...

Personally I didn't really like the way I wrote this no matter how many times I rewrote it but I gave up lol. Thank you so much for loving this book :) After all this time have y'all made a ship name for Dean and Dani?🤔

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