Misunderstandings and Rings

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"I-I." What was I suppose to say! My brain was jumbled since I had just woken up and I couldn't quite understand what was going on.

"She's wearing my clothes." Kris called out slinging a dish towel over his shoulder. Dean turned towards him with a murderous graze.

"Your what?" He started laughing almost looking psycho. "This is so funny, does she live you now? Is that it?" Ive never seen him so furious it was almost scary.

"Is it a problem? As far as I remember My sister and I live here together and she's a guest in our house since she had no where to go." Kris crossed his arms across his chest stepping closer to Dean.

"No where to go? Wha- Dani what about your place?"

"It's getting turned into an office building so I got kicked out." I said barely audible. My feet were still frozen on the second to last step of the staircase.

He opens his mouth to say something but decided not to bother.

"Thanks for inviting me Bomi but I'm leaving." Turning on his heels he walked towards the door loudly closing it behind him.

"I'm sorry about him." Crush apologized.

"No it's fine, I get that he need some space right now but let's eat!" Bomi clasped her hands together leading us all to the dining table.

I just hope things get better soon.

A week later

"So that photoshoot starts at three so we'll make sure to get there at least ten minutes early." Deans manager was going over his schedule for today while I tried to apply his make up.

Things between us were rocky and weren't getting any better.

For the little things he'd talk to me but other than that I'd just silently pat his face with different products.

"Do you want me to do your hair?" I asked moving over to place my hands in his soft silk looking locks. Dean stood up before I could even get near him.

"You're coming with me to the shoot." He left the room after saying a few words to me.

I can't take his cold shoulder anymore.

We for some reason took separate cars and I got there before him. He was suppose to get here ten minutes early but got here five minutes late.

He entered the shoot while I ran over for touch ups. My tiny self had to stand of their tippy toes a bit to reach his face. He discreetly peeked down at me noticing my struggle to reach his face. Gently lacing his arm around my waist, he supported me until I was finished.

Then he abruptly let go making his way over to the shoot.

I sighed in defeat walking over to a near by chair to have a seat.

I wish I knew what he was thinking.

Dean Pov

"I'm not doing this. Plus I don't know what she'd like it's not like I even care."

"I'm not asking you if you give a damn or not just go pick one out and give it to her alright. Then carry out the rest of the plan." My head was about to explode. Even if I argued I couldn't disobey my own boss.

So I stood up and walked out into the hall heading to the car that would take me to the shoot.

The streets of Seoul were busy and bright and traffic was running smoothly.

"Make sure to stop at the jewelry store I need to get a few things." I said to my driver.

He came to a halt in front of a jewelry shop. I stepped out quickly making my way inside. My eyes were met with lots of sparkling jewels.

Big, small, gold, silver, they were all here.

"Hello sir, how may I help you today?" The clerk at the desk asked.

"I'm looking for an engagement ring."

^^^^ just in case you were wondering what kind of ring Dean got Dani ☺️😉 I felt generous and decided to write this small chapter

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^^^^ just in case you were wondering what kind of ring Dean got Dani ☺️😉 I felt generous and decided to write this small chapter. Expect a long one for the next one!!!!

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