Mine or Yours

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"One plus one is gwiyomi." Kris bitterly said, trying  to be cute, since he lost a game of rock paper scissors. The five of us were on our way to Jeju island to check out the wedding location. I just considered this a small four day vacation. That's all.

Bomi decided to bring along Kris on our trip instead of leaving him home since she claimed she'd come back to a pigsty.

"Aw come on Kris be a little more exciting." Bomi teased earning a death glare from the irritated guy. "Crush you do it!" Bomi excitedly said, turning to face him. Ever since those two met a week ago, when I first met Bomi, they've gotten along well. Since they're both rays of sunshine they suit each other. I ended up being awkwardly seated between Kris and Dean while the other two happily sat in the front together while the front passenger seat was left empty with just the driver.

Before I knew it I dozed off.

"Woah this place is amazing~" We stood face to face with a two story rental place that Bomi had picked out.

"Isn't it? Plus it was cheap!" Bomi commented happily grabbing her bags and racing up the pathway that lead to the house. I decided to go back and retrieve my suit case from the van trunk but someone had already beat me to it.

"It's okay Kris I got it." I reached out to take it but he walked passed me only leaving me with my bag. "It's fine that what us guys are for." He said throwing a wink my way earning a scoff from Dean. I let out a laugh following him into the house.

Once we were all inside the house Bomi gathered us all in the center of the living room. "Alright! Since this place only has two bed rooms the guys will share one and Dani and I will share the other one!" Dean's frown clearly showed that he hated the idea. He just glared at Kris before taking his luggage and storming away like a kid.

"What's his problem?" Kris asked Crush. "I don't know man but all I know is that once you're on his bad side it's downhill from there. So good luck." Crush patted him on the shoulder grabbing his bags and disappearing into the hall.

Kris just shrugged it off and headed into the kitchen instead of his room.

"Hey Mr. Giraffe aren't you going to go unpack?" I called out, following him into the kitchen.

"What did you just call me?l" he smiled.

"A giraffe cause you're freakishly tall." I noticed he was rummaging through the cooler of groceries we had stopped to buy. He began pulling out meat and veggies.

"You cook?." I said standing beside him as I watched him chop the carrots and potatoes. "It's something my own sister doesn't know so you're the first to know my secret koala."


"You're just like a koala. Small and cute but feisty when angry." He nudged my arm earning a slap on the arm from me. I ended up helping him by preparing the rice and washing the dishes even though he insisted he'd do it.

After a few minutes his famous curry was ready to eat and boy was I starving.

"Helpers get served first." He said placing a plate of the curry with some freshly cooked rice on the side. By now everyone had already gathered at the dining room lured out by the amazing smell. I even spotted a grumpy looking Dean eyeing me as I deliciously devoured the food.

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