Fake Date

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"That's a wrap!" Called the director while everyone clapped and cheered thanking everyone for their hard work.

I began to pack away my make-up supplies taking sure all the brushes were clean and all the products were sealed correctly. Spilled make up was not an option especially since it was so expensive.

"Come on." Suddenly I felt someone grab my wrist jerking me forward to follow behind them.

"Dean? What are you doing I still have to finish packing!" I said as he pulled my body forward through the hall.

"The manager and his assistant are gonna put all your stuff away right now we have to be somewhere." Didn't he hate me and not wanna talk to me a few hours ago? Gosh I really wanted to throw a brick at his face.

He continued to pull me forward into the hall that lead outside. A four door car came into to view as we approached it. He was dressed as usual but looked more handsome in my eyes. His oversized coffee colored cardigan paired with a black and white stripped turtle neck, ripped jeans, and his hair parted to the side..... This man would be the death of me.

"Where are we going?" I asked before I practically got shoved into the front passenger seat. Dean slipped into the drivers seat turning it on, and letting it heat up a bit since winter was approaching, being the last week of October.

"On a date." He responded keeping conversation short.

I wanted to push for more questions but decided not to.

Dean began driving around. The scenery here when the sun was going down looked so nice around the city.

It was 4 o'clock, close to sundown.

He headed in the direction of the Han river. Was he crazy? It would be filled with people here since it was a weekend.

"Why are you going here? It's full of people! They'll recognize you!"

"That's the point."

"Put this on." Opening a black box, my eyes met with a golden rose ring that contained a sparkling diamond in the center. It was beautifully carved to look like a rose making sure to pay special attention to the details.

"It's so beautiful Dean!" I could've sworn I saw a small smile come from him before it disappeared. The ring was so beautifully made I took extra care in picking it up out of the box. Gently and carefully I placed it on my index finger.

I head Dean mumble something before he reached over taking my hand in his making my heart skip a beat.

"You're suppose to put it here you idiot." He took the ring off my index finger and slid it onto my ring finger on my left hand.

"Dean this-"

"-is your engagement ring alright?" Letting go of my hand he stepped out of the car making his way over to my side and opening my door. Grabbing my hand once again he pulled me out of the car making sure to close the door behind me.

We rowed around in boats on the river having a nice conversation, one we haven't had in almost two months. His laugh and sincere smiled made me have hope for our future together with our little peanut.

He told how he used to run around with a red rubber ball with such a huge smile on his face and how his parents loved him to the core.

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