Fix Us

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Dean POV

My response broke her more than she already was. Dani began sobbing uncontrollably and the heart monitor went crazy. I felt so shitty saying this to her but I wanted to be honest and not hide anything from her.

I couldn't even remember what really went down that night and it makes me angry whenever I think about it.

Doctors and nurses began flooding the room so I just quietly backed away just whispering sorry over and over again.

I didn't know what to do and I couldn't even help her so I just left cause that was he least I could do.

Our eyes met for the last time. Her orbs reflected sadness, loss of hope, and physical and mental pain back to me.

"Hey where are you going what happened?!" Kris yelled as I ran for the elevator so I could leave this place.

I needed to get answers on what happened that night even if it meant I had to hurt people I cared about in the process.

Dani POV

After that day three weeks ago, I made it a goal to stop thinking about Dean often. Did I succeed you ask? No more like I failed miserably. Most of my nights I'd lay awake on this stupid uncomfortable hospital bed thinking about him feeling occasional tears silently slip out.

I would silently laugh think about how pathetic I must've looked but alas things would hopefully get better. I felt like I needed sometime to myself to recollect my thoughts.

"Alright missy it's finally time to leave this place." Bomi cheered holding a change of clothes in her hands. A gray over-sized knitted sweater, black tights and a pair of fuzzy slip ons.

Carefully I sat up and eventually stood up with the help of Bomi and made my way.

"Bomi I don't think I'm going to be able to wear the tights with this cast on my leg." I said pointing down to the cast that went just about under my knee.

"It's okay I cut one leg to just about above your cast so you should be fine." I smiled at her mentally thinking at how lucky I was so have such a amazing people like her in my life.

The doctor had one last talk with me telling me that my cast would come off in about three to four more weeks depending on fast it recovered. He also gave me those death traps called crutches and let me go after filling out some paper work.

"How much is it?" I asked proceeding to take my card out of my wallet. The lady at the front desk stopped me with my car in mid air explains someone had already paid for my hospital bill.

"May I ask who?" I was so confused raking through my head wondering who it could've been. It's not like I have a lot of friends anyway.

"Someone by the name of Kwon Hyuk. Could it have been your husband since you both have the last name?" She asked pointing at her computer screen.

"No that's not my husband but thank you." I said grabbing my things and beginning to walk away. Bomi had curious look at my face at my response. I jade the told her about what happened after Dean ran out they day. They put my to sleep and by the time I woke up my body and mind where just frozen and I didn't talk for two days.

They figured it was something sensitive so they never asked.

Bomi took me back to her house and as soon as she opened the door I was greeted by an amazing smell that just made you instantly want to have whatever was being made in your mouth.

"It smells good huh? Kris is back at it again with his cooking skills." She said pushing the door wider so I could come in. I took in my surroundings having nostalgia feelings about how things used to be before they took a turn for the worse.

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