Such a Small World

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That's what I felt at this very moment.

He was doing things to me that I've never in my life experienced and in the moment I was loving it all. The only thing letting us see our lustful eyes was the moonlight peeking through the window and shining down on us.

Hair pulling


Beautiful words

All of it was so amazing up until morning. That's when it all changed for the worse.

I woke up feeling the sun roasting my face. My body was surprisingly hot but why? It wasn't until I turned to face the other way that there was someone else in my bed. I let out scream which made me sound like a fuçking hyena and kicked the person off the bed.

Grabbing the covers I covered my naked body and ran to a corner panting as I saw the body I kicked off slowly picking it's self off the floor.

"Ah what the fuçk?" The mysterious guy said scratching his head. Slowly standing back up he squinted his eyes at me for a sec before he opened them widely staring back at me shocked. 

"Oh shït." I heard him whisper. He started pacing back and forth whispering no no no to himself before his eyes landed back to me.

I recognized him instantly. He was the guy I met yesterday.


Cràp I slept with him WHAT DO I DO NOW??!

My mind was in complete chaos I didn't know what to do. Should I just run? No you're more naked than eve. It's at times like these where I wish I didn't have a conscience. I was so absorbed in my thoughts I hadn't realized Dean was already grabbing my clothes off the floor while he franticly threw some sweatpants and a t-shirt on.

"Here get out and make sure no one sees you." He said handing me my clothes. I was too shocked too speak so I just quickly threw my clothes on and ran out his room. Once I was out I ran down the hall to my room. Stepping inside I noticed grey had already came and collected his things.

Good, I was gonna throw his shît in the pool if he didn't.

Closing the door behind me I put my back towards the door and slid down putting my head down in my knees and crying again.

I was so lost and confused and I felt stupid all at the same time. If only I hadn't had those drinks last night this wouldn't be happening right now. Losing your v-card should be lost to someone you truly love and care about not to a one night stand.

"I have to wait a whole damn week before I can leave." I said lifting my head up and running my fingers though my hair.

After that day I only saw Dean a couple more times but I just avoided him as best as I could. The day to leave this hell had finally arrived and I couldn't be more excited. To think I got on this plane with who I thought loved me and only to get back on with no one.

All the stress had gotten to me so I hadn't really slept or eaten very much in the past week so I as soon as I sat down I dozed off.

We will be arriving in Seoul,Korea momentarily.

Upon hearing those words my eyes fluttered open as I turned my head to look out the window. Gosh I was so glad to be home.

It was no longer hot and humid instead the air grew chillier and the leaves started to change colors indicating that fall was just upon us.

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