Falling Apart is My Thing

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Authors POV

"Are you going to see her again?" Bomi asked her older brother while she was busy fixing up some papers for other weddings she'd been hired for.

Looking up at her brother she saw the visible eye bags forming under his eyes. He'd spend late nights at the hospital talking to Dani hoping she'd wake up at anytime.

We both took turns but today he took my turn since he kept insisting on doing so.

"Yeah. It's been almost a month and a half Bomi I can't do this anymore." He said sitting before me looking more defeated than ever. "They still haven't even caught that crazy bitch Irene." After Gray got put in jail he ratted Irene out as soon as he got interviewed. He said he wouldn't go down alone so he stayed true to his promise.

"I know big bro I know." It went silent between the two of them while Bomi decided to speak up.

"Don't you think Dean should go see her atleast once? He doesn't know anything expect that she's in the hospital still." Bomi said.

"Dean has had all this time to go and see her but he hasn't. He even refuses to let Crush talk about her. What the hell is his problem?!" Kris began raising his voice in anger.

Dean had been feeling guilty this past month. After he go discharged two weeks later he contemplated seeing her but seeing her in the state she was in made him feel like he was responsible like it was all his fault for believing in Irene that she had changed.

Plus the fact that almost every time he went out he'd be bombarded with paparazzi asking him about the accident and about his wife.

"Go talk to him after you see her hmm?" Kris glared at Bomi but softened up when she had the puppy eyes in display for him.

"Fine I'll try my best." With that he set out the front door setting off for what now had become his daily routine. 

Kris POV

After paying Dani a visit I decided to stop by Dean's apartment to see if I could talk some sense into him.

It felt like I knocked and rung his doorbell for centuries since no one was answering me. The only place he could be at this hour would be his studio. Where else would he be at 10pm?

Hopping in my car I headed to the company trying my best to relax myself and suppress my anger. We were just going to talk that was it.

I parked my car in front of te company rushing inside since the air was still cool outside. It was February after all.

"Here's not here either." I whispered to myself holding the door to his studio open. I noticed two or three bottles of empty soju bottles in the corner next to his computer but I brushed it off when I heard someone behind me.

"He's been drowning himself in here ever since he got discharged from the hospital. If you're looking for him he said he was going home a few minutes ago." Crush spoke coming closer with his hands in his pockets.

"I just got back from his place he's not there." Crush looked at me confused with a frown consuming his face before his eyes lit up in realization.

"Out of all the places he could be he chooses to go there?" He said rushing to the front doors of the lobby. I quickly followed behind only to see him already seated in the passenger seat of my car seat belted in.

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