Beware of Snakes

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"W-why was she coming out of the conference room with you?" Dani asked as I was met face to face with he petite self when I opened the door. This massive headache was starting to come along.

"I'm really sorry Dani but she's my new publicist." I spoke letting out a breath I was holding in.

"Dean I really don't like this. Why now? Why is she coming into your life now?" She said making fists on her side with her face growing red with anger.

Softening my face I placed my hands on her shoulders reassuring her.

"Listen babe nothing's gonna ever separate me from you alright? Don't worry Irene won't be a problem for us okay? I promise." Concerned flashed through her eyes before it was exchanged with assurance.

Hopefully what Irene said about it being a coincidence was true.

"Since I'm new here I was thinking we could go out to eat and it'd be my treat." I heard Irene say somewhere in the distance.

"Sure why not." Everyone said.

"I'm not going okay so don-"

"It's fine Dean I'll tag along too since it's for everyone." Dani replied replacing her frown with a smile that relieved my worries.

"Okay but we'll leave if something happens alright." I said ruffling her hair walking back to my studio.

Dani POV

Lately I'd been feeling really tired and my body was just sore but I needed to be here. That Irene chick rubbed me the wrong way and it made me a bit upset that Dean trusted her.

Placing my hand on my stomach I let out a sigh and took a seat down next to my make up station. My wardrobe now consisted of big fluffy sweaters and leggings.

Jeans weren't my friends anymore.

Scrolling through my phone I looked through my Instagram seeing occasional pictures of Kris and Bomi.

I really missed them.

I couldn't even contact them since they were in Canada visiting their mom so I'm basically best friendless here.

Oh well that's life.

My phone was my best distraction when I didn't really have much to do. I was still looking down at my screen when I heard a pair of fingers snap getting my attention.

Red head was sitting in my chair looking at me like I was suppose to be doing something.

Could've sworn I've seen her somewhere before.

"Um can I help you." I said looking up from my phone at her ugly ass.

"Can you please touch up my make up? I'd do it myself but I don't wanna mess it up." Great is this how she was going to start bothering me?

"Haha yeah sure thing." I said faking a smile, throwing my phone on the chair, and walking over to her.

Grabbing a brush and some blush I began moving it across her cheeks.

My brush was still brushing against her cheek when I felt the baby kick in my for the first time and that made me stop what I was doing.

I immediately placed my hand on my baby bump.

"You okay there?" Irene asked eyeing me curiously.

"Huh? Oh yeah yeah I just have a stomach ache that's all."

"You sure?" She said raising her eye brow.

"Yep I'm fine." I said dropping the subject.

Her eyes stayed on my tummy a little longer. I could've sworn I saw a flicker of knowing in her eyes but I dismissed it since I wanted her gone from my sight.

"Thanks Daniela."

"It's Dani."

"Yeah whatever." She got up flying out the room like lightening.


Irene POV

Leaving the room I turned a corner going into my office and closing the door behind me making sure to lock it so no nosy prick could hear me.

Pulling out my iPhone I dialed my special number which picked up after the first ring.

"Hey honey."

"So I figure you're in?" He said through the other line. I could just see that famous smirk on his face.

"Yeah now I just have to gain Dean's trust back little by little. Oh and I have information I think you'd like to know."

"And what's that?" He said curiously.

"She's pregnant even though she's trying to hide it from me. Bitch thinks I'm stupid." I said letting out a scoff.

"What?! He knocked her up? Find out when cause if it was before we can use that against him. Netizens will take it to destroy him. They won't be happy."

"The plan is that we separate them and then I get to have Dean and you can do whatever the hell you want with her alright?"

"Yeah yeah whatever just do your job right and we won't have a problem." He said hanging the call up.

This was only the beginning of some fun.

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