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The next morning I woke up in my bed. The last thing I remember last night was talking to Kris before I blacked out.

How'd I end up here?

Looking over at the clock noticed it was only 8am but I still decided to get up. I passed by Bomi and saw her covers almost on the floors while she hugged a big pillow with her arms and legs. She's such a messy sleeper.

Halfway through the staircase I smelled freshly made pancakes which were my favorite in the whole world when it came to breakfast.

Kris was happily turning pancakes with his spatula wile dancing around and whistling with the radio on.

"Well look who's up!" He chimed placing a plate down on the kitchen island. I walked over and sat on the stool that had the fresh hot chocolate ship pancakes on top. I poured some syrup on top song with some whipped cream and chopped strawberries he had cut.

"This is so good!" I praised taking another bite of my pancakes.

"Pftt when is my food not good."

"Oh shut up you." Rolling my eyes I threw a crumpled up napkin at him.

Just as I was taking another bite he came over with a hot pan and placed some scrambled eggs on to my plate.

Oh no.

I felt the vomit coming as soon as I took a whiff of those eggs. Quickly, I pushed my plate away and rushed up the stairs barging into the bathroom. Jeez how I hated throwing up. The ugly sensation it left in your throat after was horrible.

Sitting on the ground for a moment trying to collect my breath I heard rapid footsteps come into the bathroom.

"Dani! Are you okay!?" Looking up I saw a very worried and flustered Dean rushing over to my side. He patted my back trying to comfort me.

"What happened?"

"Oh I think it was these eggs Kris made that the baby didn't like." I said trying to laugh it off. I noticed he made a face when I mentioned Kris's name.

"Well wash up your face come on I'll help you." He gently helped stand me up and held my hair back for me while I washed up.

"Now that I'm here I'm gonna go ahed and shower." I said walking over to the shower and turning the faucet on. Dean blinked a fee times before he got the gist and turned to walk out.

"Hey Dean." I called.

"Yeah." He said slightly turning to face me.

"Thanks." I tried giving him my best smile even though I knew in my head it was weak.

"Uh yeah no problem Dani."

Warm showers were always my favorite since they relaxed me and let me drift away from my conflicting thoughts. However I preferred being wrapped up in warm blankets so I quickly showered, got dressed in something warm, and walked over to my room to see if Bomi was up for a movie.

When I waked inside she was gone.

Crush was gone too.

And so was Kris.

What the actual fûck?

"Dean!" I called running into his room. Headphones on his head he bobbed his head to whatever beat he was currently producing.

"Hey!" I said gently taking his headphones off. He scrunched his face up before turning to meet my face.

"What, what is it."

"Where is everyone?"

"What do you mean they're probably just outside." He said annoyed proceeding to put his headphones on.

"No you idiot they're not outside and the car is gone too." Pausing, Dean stood up walking past me, and rushed down the stairs while I followed behind.

Coming into the kitchen I noticed he had a note in his hand intently reading it. Stepping closer I got on my tippy toes and looked over his shoulder.

You two must be confused by now but don't worry! We'll just be gone just for today and be back later tonight since I needed some assistance to help with the wedding :) have fun you two ;)

- Bomi

"Gosh she's a pain in the ass." Dean whispered under his breath.

"Hey that's my friend you're talking about so unless you ready to catch these hands don't talk." I said smacking the back of his head.

"You bit-"

"What was that?"

He paused with wide eyes just staring at me. I knew he knew he'd fûcked up in this moment.

"That's what I thought." I said walking away.

A few hours passed while we just sat in the living room watching tv.

"Hey why don't we make some s'mores?" These cravings really had me wanting so many delicious things.

"Go make them yourself." He said not even taking his gaze away from the tv.

"Come one don't be such a boring kid~" I pouted crossing my arms. He wouldn't budge. "I bet if Kris were here he'd make them with m-" In seconds Dean was already in the kitchen looking for graham crackers.

"Mmm! These marshmallows are so good!" Taking one in my mouth I happily prepared my s'more. The whole time I felt Dean's curious eyes on me.

"So you've never had a s'more before!?"

"Nope." He confirmed popping a marshmallow into his mouth.

"Well sir you haven't lived till you've tried one of  these babies." Holding up a gooey delicious treat up at his mouth he eyes he before taking a big bite.

"It's good."

"Right!" I excitedly said. Dean couldn't help but smile at my sudden happiness.

Dean was a good person he's just.....scared to open up to people. Almost as if he's afraid to get hurt.

|Dean Pov|

"You know what'll make this even better?" Dani asked.

"What's that?" I asked trying to hold back a smile. She was the cutest thing ever whenever she got excited.

"MELTED CHOCOLATE!" She shouted holding up a pack of chocolate in he hand.

Gosh this girl and her chocolate.

Dani proceeded to melt a few pieces of chocolate in a sauce pan till she had chocolate sauce. Snatching a s'more I was about to eat, she dipped it in the chocolate and took a huge bit. I could already tell by the way her eyes lit up she loved it.

"Want some?"

"Nah I'm full just watching you eat." She kept licking he lips at every bite she took. Her pink plump lips just looked so delicious I didn't realized I was already swiping my thumb slowly across her lips.

"You've got a little..." I looked in those big beautiful hazel eyes. I could've sworn I was lost.

Wiping the chocolate off her lip I bought it up to my mouth and licked it.

I had no idea what had gotten into me at this moment but I leaned in cupping her face in my hands and slowly....



And closer...

"We're home!" A sudden loud voice made me stop my action. I was just centimeters away from Dani's lips.

That idiot of a cockblock.

"Come on Dani I bought a few things from the market and I wanna show you." Kris said stomping over to us, pushing me away, and grabbing Dani's hand while taking her away.

She turned and looked at me once more before she was gone from my sight.

"Geez what's wrong with me?" I whispered to myself leaning against the kitchen island.

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