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My thoughts were so fascinated with all the different handmade trinkets when I heard Dean call out to someone I'd never heard of.

Looking up I saw a tall slender women walking over closer to him. She had on a floral spaghetti strapped beach dress along with some sandals. Her dark red locks flowed in the air that complimented her small pale face as she got closer with a smile plastered on her face.

I didn't like her already.

"Irene?" Dean said with a almost relieved tone.

Who the hell was she?

"Dean oh my goodness how long has it been!" He opened up his arms for her engulfing her into a welcoming hug.

"Y-Yeah it's been a while." He murmured under his breath almost shocked at who was before him. This was all confusing me and I had no idea what was going on.

"I missed you all these years you know that." Breaking the hug she tip toed and placed a small peck on his cheek.

That did it.

"Hi I'm Dani, Dean's wife nice to meet you!" I said with a fake peppy tone and a small smile. Stepping before her I extended my hand for her to take which seemed to take her by surprise.

"O-oh hello. Dean you got married?" She took my hand but adverted her gaze back to my husband once again. Her hand laid limply in mine so I pulled mine away realizing I was being ignored.

Looking over at Dean he was frozen with words failing to come out of his mouth.

"Do you think we could get a cup of coffee and catch up? Please?" This girl had audacity to give him puppy eyes which he seemed to fall for.

"Dani for me in the hotel okay? I'll be back before the sun raises." Turning his body to his me he placed his hands on my shoulders and placed a reassuring kiss on my forehead before walking away with the red head.

Dean left me just standing there.


Walking back to the hotel I felt weird. There was this strange feeling inside of me I didn't like. Thinking I was was overreacting I shrugged it off hugging my body since it was getting chilly.

Who was that girl and why was Dean so shocked when she saw her.

Why did she say she missed him after all these years?

Getting to my room so decided to call it a day even though it was only five pm.

Throwing my clothes aside I slipped one of Dean's shirts since Bomi only packed me short and small sleep wear for I couldn't even snuggle in my fluffy pajamas.

Grabbing the remote I decided to navigate on to YouTube and to try to enjoy some old funny episodes of running man.

Jongkook was always secretly my favorite since whenever he got shipped with a female guest he'd get all shy with them and just smile like an idiot.

Room service was also great since they bought me hard boiled eggs and lemon with a side of rocky road ice cream as desert. My cravings were starting and that sounded really good so I just went with it. 

6 o'clock

7 o'clock

8 o'clock

9 o'clock

He wasn't coming back and it was worrying me. Was there really that much to say to each other?

After waiting for almost five hours I heard the click from our room door open. His handsome face appeared through the door. Those brown orbs met mine which then he greeted me with a big smile.

"Hi." Walking closer he came over to my side of the bed to place a small kiss on my temple.  I just looked up at him acknowledging him.

Feeling his side of the bed dip he began slipping his shoes on and exchanging his clothes.

"You wanna know who she is huh?" I stayed quiet.

"Well she's my first love I guess you could say." Shuffling around some more he slipped his shirt off replacing it with a fresh one while I turned the tv off.

"We met when I was about sixteen." Lifting up the covers he slipped in scooting closer to me and placing his head on my shoulder.

"I was so crazy about her in high school and now that I think about I must've looked so stupid. Irene's laugh and just her personality made me fall for her. We became close when we went out with a group of friends one night and well we clicked. "

This was making me feel a bit sad.

"We dated for about five years before things got ugly with us. I eventually got signed into my current label and she was there to support me through all of it. Things began turning when she asked for so many materialistic things. I wanted to break up with her but I couldn't. I loved her too much. Irene just got crazy and eventually she sold me out to the paparazzi for money."

"That bitch." I heard him let out a small chuckle.

"Everything I trusted her with she told. " he continued. "They gave her her petty money and she was gone. I never saw her a again after that. The paparazzi followed me everywhere. They knew where I lived, my friends were attacked along with my family. Scandals even arose up which made me go into hiding basically."

Lacing his arm around my waist he pulled me closer into his chest.

I could hear the sound of his slow but steady heart beat.

"Me being devastated thinking that she never really cared about me I locked my self in the studio producing tracks and mindless demos. Eventually my debut album came into place." I felt him brush a stay lock off my face.

"Then I met you in that hotel five months ago and now here we are." Leaning down Dean placed a loving kiss on my lips letting them linger a little longer then usual.

"Do you....still have feelings for her?" Why did I even ask that question.

"I mean she was my first love that I won't forget, but you are my wife now and I love you Dani Kwon okay? Don't ever forget that." Placing my hand on the back of his beck I bought his head back down to feel his lips back on mine.

I had nothing to worry about.

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