I knew you were trouble

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Our honeymoon felt like it flew by.

By the time we knew it were we were on the next plane back to Seoul. I honestly didn't want this to come to an end but sadly reality hit me when we were boarding the plane.

Our flight was pretty long and tiring.

Being five months pregnant didn't help honestly since I constantly had to move around a bit so my bones wouldn't hurt as much.

Dean being the lowkey sweet heart he is tried to get the flight attendants to come every few minutes to check up on me to make sure I needed anything or if I was fine.

It's not like I was anything special haha.

We arrived at around 8pm and to our surprise we were greeted with a smiley Crush who embraced us in a huge hug when he saw us.

"Hey Dani are you....um pregnant?" He asked pulling away slightly and eyeing the bump forming on my tummy. Keep in mind this child had no idea what was going on beforehand.

"A little." My cheeks were turning a light shade of pink. My tummy really wasn't it all that big for five months. It just looks like I ate three Big Macs in one sitting.

"What the hell why is it so big y'all just got married a few weeks a- Ohhhhhh." He said giving Dean a smirk.

"Oh shut up you dumbass and let's go." Dean smacked the back of his head while Crush rubbed the back of his head. I just laughed following behind them two.

"So how's Bomi?" Leaning forward in the back seat I rose up my eye brow in curiosity. I knew he liked her just as much as she liked him. Hopefully Kris wouldn't mind even though she is his little sister.

I began to poke his cheek trying to get some answers from him.

"Aww come on I want details."

"I kissed her a few days ago." He finally blurted out.

"WHATTTTT AND WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Now I was bouncing up and down in the back seat feeling excited. I shipped from the beginning.

"Well I kinda asked her to be my girlfriend." Crush had such a stupid smile plastered on his face as so did I.

Cause like Damń finally.

"Awww I'm so happy for you two!!" I screamed tying my best to hug him.

"Alright that's enough skin ship for today just sit down it's dangerous." Dean cut in pulling my arms off Crush.

"Relax man no ones gonna snatch her from you now." He laughed.

and no one is gonna snatch him from me.

"Tomorrow we'll get your things from Bomi's house so you can move in with me." Dean pulled me in placing a kiss on my temple.

"Yeah okay can I go to sleep now."

"Not so fast." He said grabbing me from the waist and pulling me to his chest. Dipping his head low he began placing kisses onto my collarbone biting it occasionally.

"Dean if you don't unhand me right now my foot is not afraid to visit your boys down south." Pausing he unlaced his arms from my waist taking a step back and covering his groin.

I'd been so moody lately and I'd worry he'd get sick of me but that made Dean even more understanding and lovely dovey with me. What did I do to deserve this man.

"I love you babe." He whispered into my ear.

"Me too."

Early in the morning I was called into the company to get some things on his schedule on. Plus my recent publicist had been let go since he'd been working for a while now so he retired.

My new one was going to be introduced to me today.


Radio show.

and a trip to the hair salon was all there was to do today. It was pretty basic honestly.

The van drove back to the company. It was time to meet this new 'publicist'.

"Go take a rest babe I know you've been running a lot all day and I don't want you getting sick." I said to Dani leaning forward and planting a small kiss on her forehead.

Smiling up at me she nodded walking away swinging her bag of makeup along with her.

She's so cute.

Turning around I headed to the conference room since my manager and the CEO wanted me there so I could meet this new person.

"Alright Dean so Minhyuk retired as you know by now so we looked through a few resumes of a few eligible people and we thought this person would work best." My manager explained leaning back in his chair.

We were all seated together in a small conference room the company had for small important meetings.

"Come on in please." My manager called out to the door.

I turned my head over to the door and I literally couldn't believe my eyes.

Those same red locks I thought I'd left behind in Puerto Rico and I thought wouldn't see again were now in my presence.

She was smiling at me while we were being introduced even though it wasn't necessary since I knew very who she was.

"Yes so Ms. Irene will be joining us or should I say your team to help us better publicize you and get your music out the public better. " The CEO explained while she walked over next to me to take a seat.

This was a disaster waiting to happen.

I couldn't help but feel uneasy about this.

"Well the meetings dismissed and Dean you can have the rest of the night to yourself." My manager smiled getting up from his seat and walking out the door behind the CEO.

Now it was just me and her here.

"Why are you here?"

"What do you mean? This is what I do it's my job." She replied looking at me innocently.

"But why this company Irene. You know I work here and I'm pretty sure you know you're not fully forgiven for what you did to me." My anger was rising up. Whatever stupid shit she had planned wasn't going to work.

"Listen Dean I just took the opportunity that was before me. I honestly don't care what you think of me. Just know that I never stopped loving you. Did you ever stop loving me?" She asked with a stupid smirk on her red lips.

"Stop taking nonsense."

Her smirk widened as she got up. Irene swiftly walked up to me sliding her finger across my chest and then leaning in closer to my ear.

"I'll see you around Mr. Kwon." She said before taking her leave.

I let out a big sigh and ran my hands down my face.

This ticking bomb needed to be stopped.

Hey guys :) so Irene is really coming to shake things up! Yeah I wrote her into a bitçh but that's life kids 🤷🏻‍♀️ love y'all 💕

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